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Ericsson T60d / T60LX


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The Best of the Best


Jan 22, 2003 by ralph read

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This is the best cell phone ever! It is all around excellence. The quality is top notch. The sound is clear. The battery is awesome. The display is sharp and clear. The joystick is the best thing in the world. I totally love it! Plus it have the usual Ericsson heritage. A very good thing! The size and weight is perfect. What else? That is the Best of the Best!

An outstanding phone


Apr 17, 2002 by Peter Nitchman

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This is a great phone. I bought one for myself and liked it so much that I replaced my wife's Nokia with one as well. (Cingulars rebate and a sale price helped to swing the deal.) I can receive calls in areas where the Nokia was dead. It's easy to setup and the profiles for different environments, work, meetings, car, home, Etc. are great. The joystick makes navigating around the menus easy and quick. All in all, a phone that is worth the money.

Egg-shaped but nice phone


Mar 20, 2002 by h k

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Using a T60d via Cingular (who are giving the things away, BTW) and I am quite impressed.

This is my first Sony/Ericson/whatever phone after using a Nokia 8260 which I thought was the greatest phone ever!

The most impressive feature of the T60d is it's screen - super bright & clear even little old ladies with poor eyesight can read (but they can't dial)

Love the joystick and menu accessibility.
Audio is good to great
Reception is good
Voice activation is a nice feature, too

Not as small as the 8260 but still fits in a pocket.

Party on Wayne,

I'm a Believer


Mar 29, 2002 by Brian Taylor

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After going through three Nokia phones, I will find it hard to go back to Nokia after using this Ericsson. Between Nokia's software problems on the phone and poor batterly life (3360), this Ericsson is awesome.

The voice dialing feature has never missed a beat. The sound quality is top notch, and battery life is great (around 2 3/4 hours talk time). It even has T-9 on the address book!

A couple of minuses: the phonebook is a bit cumbersome to use if you're not using the voice dialing (the T-68 got it right), and there should be separate indicators for voice and SMS messages. Otherwise, a great phone.

Great Phone


Feb 27, 2002 by jaredfb

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This phone is very nice. It has a bunch of great features. Way to go AT&T.

My 1st phone ever


Apr 4, 2008 by 49ways

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This was my very first phone. I got it back in Spring 2002. I actually liked it, but it was frustrating because I got a horrible signal in my apartment - kind of maddening when you don't have a land line.

- could manually program ringtones into it; made ringtones like Topgun theme song, Stevie Wonder, and NBA on NBC theme song
- solid construction
- buttons were easy to press

- phone got horrible reception, especially in my apartment (but what do you except from Cingular?)
- bad battery life

Honestly, I don't remember much about this phone, but it really doesn't matter since they haven't made it in like 6 years.

Great phone


Dec 8, 2004 by bigpeteb

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I've never had any problems with this phone. It has a great interface, with lots of useful features you can access by holding down buttons or the joystick; it always acts like I expect it to. Sound quality is no better or worse than other phones, although it seems to me that it performs better than average on a weak signal. The only problem is that it's no longer manufactured or carried by anyone.

Sony Ericsson T62-U


Apr 30, 2004 by stargaysr

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phone is over all ok @ 1st until the new wears off & then after about 3 mos of use it will become either wont hold charge/discharges battery quickly or will have problems with dialing & or "a computer/fax machine squelching" into the phone or you will have problems dialing. over all it is a ok phone if you have patience to fight with it. otherwise buyers beware!!!!!!

1 Good Phone


Dec 1, 2003 by Motoman

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I have had more then 4 new phones this Year i have had a Motorola V60t Nokia 3360 nokia 3320 samsung a460 and now a Ericsson T60d
i'am Relly happy with the phone The battrey life and talk time is not as good as my nokias everwer but for now i'am happy with it i relly wolud like to now get a nokia 2260 but Untill i save the money up to get the new nokia this will do for now

~~ Motoman ~~

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