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Samsung SCH-A670


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Best phone


Aug 21, 2007 by bonjourhannah

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-This was my first phone and i absolutely loved it. At the time [two years ago] it was top of the line, it was one of the first phones verizon was selling with dual camera and video.
-This phone went through hell with me, I accidently washed it, left it outside for three days,and dropped it in the sink onetime. Somehow it always managed to work after all the abuse, including the camera and video. This proves how durable the phone is. The controls are super simple,the only comlplaint I had was you couldnt change the display colors. The camera also worked great, even compared to all my friends that had razors.
-I recently upgraded, but this phones ease of use and durability make it one of the best phones ever made.

A Faithful phone


Jul 29, 2007 by Finicky

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I realize this phone is archaic now, but felt it deserved some appreciation. I have read all of the reviews for this phone (both good and bad), and have come to the conclusion that everyone's experiences are different no matter what phone you buy! In a way that's sad, because I know these forums are intended to help people make informed purchases. However, I could find a hundred people that say this phone stinks and is built cheap, and at the same time find one hundred more that would disagree. I have had this phone for several years now. I have dropped it numerous times having the battery go flying off away from the phone. I simply replaced it and it worked perfectly. I have never had any of the hinge problems I read so much about. My signal strength, and sound quality have always been very good (even on international calls). I could go on and on, but I will attempt to keep it short. The fact of the matter is, I am able to get a new phone from VZW with my "new evry2" deal, but as much as I look and read all the reviews, I am dis-satisfied with what is available. Yes, I have to charge my phone every day, but so what...doesn't everyone go to bed at night? or is it just me?....even if I have to plug it in to charge while driving...so what...I mean to me some of the complaints I read on here are ridiculous. Anyway, until I find something that to me works as well and appeals to me like this phone did and still does..I guess I will not use my "new evry2" money.

PROS: very compact flip phone. fits nicely in pocket.
ear piece is very loud and quite clear.
very good reception overall.
still uses the "old VZW interface" which I like.
displays (inside and out) are both very bright and

CONS: it's an older phone, so if you are concerned about the camera megapixels..it's not for you.
crummy ringtones...that seems to be the norm with samsung phones.
ringer volume could be louder...

great first phone


Jun 4, 2007 by Woot718

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This was my first phone. It lasted me two years and was pretty decent. These are some of the pros and cons of this phone:

-Great looking.
-Nice menu style with two diffrent options.
-Decent resaloution on the camera.
-The front LCD screen looks very nice.
-Contacts were set up great.
-Many great features.
-Great flash.
-Very loud.

-Not much memory for pictures.
-Can only hold up to two videos that arent that long.
-No speakerphone.
-Not good quality ring tones.

Over all its a good first phone. But my contact with Verizon is almost up. Im gooing to be switching to Alltel and upgrade to a Razr V3m. If anyone has some input on this phone please contact me.

Great for its time


Oct 26, 2006 by WiGiFiEd

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This was my first phone and it was great.

: it had to menu options both easy to use
: get it now was nice
: camera had decent video and picture abilities
: very clear never dropped calls
: very durable, nice snap when you closed it

: no expandable memory
: it had low quality ring tones
: voice dialing was sub-par at best
: the internet was very limited and lacked anything that made it worth using.

Overall for a first phone it was great I had to technical problems. If you are a parent you simply needs to use it as a phone it is as good as it gets. It had a better menu than the new venison phones do in my opinion because I like the 9 icon display.

Nice, yet annoying


Sep 12, 2006 by char777

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I bought this phone about a year ago right when Verizon was starting to clear out all of their phones (including the scandalous Moto 710) and all that was left was pretty much this phone. My brother and his girlfriend had this phone, so I decided to get one myself. It doesn't have that Samsung joke interface with the piano chords and rainbows but rather a nature theme, which I much rather prefer. It also doesn't have the de-facto Verizon interface, another one I dislike. As for the rest of the phone, it has a pretty good camera for VGA and good storage. Text messaging is very intuitive and quick to send stuff, perhaps the best feature of the phone. I also like the Mobile IM. Even though it didn't come on the phone, it was free to get.

There were however, things I did not like about the phone.

It was nice when I first got it, but problems began to occur after a few months. Originally, I had it set that if someone called me, once I opened the phone, it would answer, but later on, I decided to choose to have the "answer" key answer the call. However, this causes a delay in the pickup of the call, and in call history, it somehow duplicates the call and shows one missed call from the person that called you as well as a call waiting from the person that called you. Reception is lower than what my dad gets on his Audiovox, and the battery life is starting to dwindle. My sister told me that it's because the battery port is uncovered, which usually leads to battery problems in most phones. The phone would also cut out your voice for the first few seconds of the call to the other person, and this has been happening from out of the box.

The worst problem, however, is probably the screen. It's not the resolution, it's the fact that the hinge is very flimsy and can break. My brother and his girlfriend had to get new phones because both of theirs snapped in half, and I'm afraid mine will, too.

Overall, it's a pretty good phone with a few drawbacks and deserves a mediocre 2.5.

hated it


Jun 21, 2006 by klee24

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I had this phone for about 6 months with Verizon. I started freezing up a few times a week, Verizon said if it continued to do this, to bring it back. I didn't have time. The next week my phone rang, I simply flipped it open and the whole top fell off the hinges. No I am not rough with my phones, I pay good money for them. I made the mistake of not having it insured so I had to go to Verizon to buy a whole new phone @ full price. While in line that day, 3 other people were in line behind me with the same phone with multiple complaints. Needless to say, I have a new phone now, it is an LG and it has not ever had the problems I had with the samsung.



Jun 20, 2006 by caesar6591

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Got this phone in July 2004 w/ Verizon after a bad experience with Nextel. I currently do not have this phone as I have switched to Cingular. This phone had its good and bad points. Here we go.


--- Picture caller ID.
--- Camera was okay.
--- Menu was easy to use.
--- Good Service.
--- Not to big, not to small.
--- Nice inner display.
--- Calendar, Calculator, and other helpful tools.
--- I could hear people like they were on a landline and vice versa.


--- Not many wallpapers.
--- Crappy ringtone selection.
--- Lack of customization. Menu is very BLAH.
--- Purchased ringtones sound like crap when the volume is turned up higher than two.
--- Battery dies easily. After 1 pic, a few texts, and playing a game your down from a full battery to none at all.

I don't think the following was really a con but more like me being annoyed. I hated the phonebook in this phone. Nextel's phonebook was much better. In this phone, right next to each entry there is a number stating if it was the 5th entry of the 26th entry. It bothered me.
Also, say you called someone's house and they weren't home, instead of looking at your calls and selecting the person's name and sliding over to their cell like on nextel, you had to go through your phonebook again!!! Just an annoyance of mine.

All in all this phone did what it was supposed to do, WORK AS A PHONE. If you want to customize, want bluetooth, speakerphone, and a good phonebook, this is not the phone for you.

Good for not having a speaker phone


Jun 8, 2006 by GC

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This phone works quite well. The sound quality is good and so is the camera. The only thing I miss from my last phone is the speaker phone but I've learned to live without it. The video is alright (hey, if you want great video get a video camera). Overall it is pretty good phone.

Camera & video work well
Good sound quality
Looks good (interior and exterior)
Easy to use

No speaker phone
Ringers aren't great

Still the best Verizon phone I've had


May 20, 2006 by anlh2

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After trying the new Samsung a950, LG8100, LG7000, MOT e815 & v710, I have to say the sound quality on the Samsung a670 is still the best I've heard. No annoying background static or chirping with this reliable handset.



May 13, 2006 by Nate5123

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Works, Durable
Nice GUI (not ver:izon Standard)
Small, Light Weight


Doesn't open too wide
No Bluetooth
Not many stock ringtones
not many stock wallpapers
Not good battery life
Small Screen

Overall I think this phone is pretty good for the a little above average user. It works and doesn't have many problems. It is durable and a great choice for the average user.

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