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UI Lite; Nice Balance


Jul 23, 2014 by KeepNTouch   updated Aug 23, 2014

Carrier: T-Mobile

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First of all, the screen is hypnotic. The clarity is amazing and I found myself constantly touching the screen the first day. I was impressed with the device speed and smooth operation. I was TOTALLY Impressed with the amount of screen that was available for the device's "relatively" compact size.

I felt, the G3 did a better job staying connected to the Tmobile network than a Samsung product.

I’m a Galaxy lover at heart and I admire the HTC One hardware, and boom sound. But I think I can say that I'm tired of the Touchwiz and I was looking for a change. I didn't wan't stock android or an overly ornate UI so I feel the LG G3 meets that mark.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the multitasking and the way multiple apps can be popped up on the screen without taking you out of something else you're working on.

I’m pleased with BOTH the front facing and rear facing camera, the customizeable keyboard and the clarity of calls.

The rear speaker is good; no it's not boom sound. I got use to the knock on feature and back buttons within minutes, it just seemed so natural to not have to stretch my hands all over creation.

The G3 is "UI Lite" so it's not "stock" or vanilla, it does have a little flavor to it without it being so overwhelming in taste. This may be the sleeper phone of the summer.

As for premium feel; for plastic it does feel nice, but I always protect my investment with a case, so it wouldn't matter if it were aluminum, plastic or some other material.

I feel LG put some nice thought behind the functionality of the device and it’s a much needed change.

For my normal use of a cell phone, music, four email accounts some web surfing, phone calls texts and a few apps, the battery lasted ALL day. I imagine if I start to tap the large screen real estate with Google books or magazines the battery will wane.

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Jul 12, 2014 by B-Sides   updated Aug 28, 2014

Carrier: AT&T

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I've had the G3 for about a week now and I am very impressed! I had its predecessor the G2 and wasn't impressed. I found it to be a decent phone but compared to both Samsung and HTC it really didn't compare. Now the G3 on the other hand...WOW! I am on the LG bandwagon now!!! This company knocked it outta the park with the G3!
Brilliant screen both size and appearance!
Awesome camera! I had G2 prior to this and the G3 camera BLOWS IT AWAY!
Loud speaker that works great for music and calls.
Smooth UI that isn't loaded down with manufacturer bloat.
Keyboard is WAY better than what I expected, responsive and precise!
Very fast processor

Limited accessories at launch, this is something that occurs with a lot of phones other than Apple and Samsung. Just wish I didn't have to wait.
Battery life is good but I recommend plugging it in when not using it. The BIG BEAUTIFUL SCREEN does suck up a lot of energy.

I will follow up with anything I find down the road but for now I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS DEVICE!

(update 8/28)
After about a month with this device I am completely satisfied!!! Love the screen and camera and the speaker is very loud which is great for conference calls or music!
The battery is much better than expected and I love the UI.
I highly recommend this phone!

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Great phone


Feb 8, 2015 by thephoenix77

Carrier: AT&T

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Overall, great phone.

Pros: "Okay Google" feature is wonderful for navigation, weather, etc, design is wonderful, and the laser focus camera makes pictures very crisp.

Cons: the interface lags after time, the phone shuts off by itself for no reason, text messaging deletes words by itself.

I was very impressed with the phone when i first got it and still am to a point. LG still has bugs to work out with this phone.

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Life is Good part 3


Oct 4, 2014 by iTychal

Carrier: T-Mobile

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This is wonderful! I like the way that the display looks easy to use and even movies are amazing on this thing. The blue tooth connection makes the music I listen to sound wonderful.

This device is rather quick as well playing games on here I even split up the screen to play two videos and it did not have a problem playing both videos.

As a short person using this device is a breeze I am able to use this phone with on hand and it is a 5.5 inch screen... WONDERFUL!!!

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Overall it's a great phone


Jan 30, 2015 by texas jack

Carrier: AT&T

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I have had this phone since right before Christmas and thought I was upgrading from my G2. Now keep in mind that this will be more of a comparison between the G3 & the G2. I'll give you the pros first. Nice screen size, easy to use for a person with medium sized hands. All the buttons are on the back (like the G2) Removable battery and micro SD slot. Other than that, I wish I had kept my G2. The battery life barely gets me through a day of medium use. The UI is so flat that it is disappointing. The phone lags (may be due to the screen resolution?) Hopefully with Lollipop on its way this will fix or at least make it better. The camera is dismal. If you have never used the G2 or are used to another phone, then this is a great phone.

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Dec 3, 2014 by chadbordes

Carrier: T-Mobile

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This is a great phone. I had it for several weeks before I returned it for the Note 4. I was coming off the iphone 6 of 3 days. I love iphones simplicity, but going back from being a hardcore android user made it very hard.

The LG is a brilliant phone with a fantastic processor, fast camera, gorgeous screen and amazing battery life. It is a futuristic phone and I got lots of compliments on it. Phone calls on t-mobiles network were exceptionally clear, wifi calling and texting worked flawless.

I would say if you are looking for a bigger phone with great resolution sound and clarity, this is your phone. I never had any problems with battery life and uncharging at 6:30 and coming home at 9pm with full usage, I still had between 40-60% battery.

I would highly recommend this phone. I will say if you have small hands this phone will require both of them.

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LG G3??? Back to Apple


Feb 26, 2015 by lawhamptons

Carrier: T-Mobile

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I unpacked my new G3 and the first thought I had was: boy is this flimsy. That may not be fair given that I have had Apple phones for many years. The back on the LG G3 is light plastic; it feels it; and it bends. Getting it off was a chore.

I wanted a bigger keyboard than my Apple 5 in portrait mode. The LG is no bigger and for some reason I had difficulty not hitting the wrong key.

Then I called TMobile as directed on the order that came in the box and I was transferred three times to finally get someone who would cancel my account; and after 10 minutes with a very nice person, I was told that since I signed an electronic agreement online, the account could t be cancelled until the phone came back. I was told to call again in a week.

Bye bye TMobile; stay with Verizon and getting an I6.

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