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BlackBerry 7780 / 7730


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Okay, this is better...


Dec 6, 2004 by smackdab

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...than that lousy 6210 I had to put up with.

I'm also happier with this Blackberry because I no longer depend on it to be a phone as well. Got them to get me a seperate phone and just put the data service on the 7780. However, the service provider goofed and gave it voice for a while too. I did some voice call tests and the speaker volume has been improved, but I didn't do enough to see if the reception was any better. All the other gripes about using this type of BB as a phone still apply. Small, hard to see keypad, you need to unlock it to hang up a call, etc.

As a wireless data device it's much better than the 6210, but still half-brained as a PDA. The extra size makes it easier to hold, the extra space between the keys makes it easier to type, and the big color screen is easy to read. Hardware wise, it's still not much more than a Palm Pilot with a wireless modem. Attachment viewing is practically worthless and limited. It is also slow to respond at times.

So, like I said before, if you're going to spend your own money on one of these don't.

Don't Get The Point!?!?!


Jul 31, 2004 by Att_Pro

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Whats the point of this BlackBerry!?!?!?! There is none! The 7280 is atleast a hundred dollars cheaper but they do the same thing. I dont get it, but ATT is providing both.:-( What a bad deal!

this blackberry 7730


May 9, 2005 by dreadedknight

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this phone isnt all that bad for the game on it but i hate how it only has a grand toatal of one game and i cant figure out how to download more to it... brick atack does get allital borring, its internet on it is not very easy to use if you ask me either... but all in all i wouldnt be to ablighed to use this phone and would recomend it to some one who wants it for emails or somthing of that sort with like a corperate email its very easy to use in this fashion i only wish it had more ringtones on it than the t mobile jingle. i ranked it a five for what it is its built for the business man not the kid and the business man doesnt need a phone for a kid anyways... sorry is this upsets you but that is how i feel and i work in telecomunications for a top provider with over 17 million customers in the united states allone so i would be very hapy if this is to get any busniss men or women to come to our service of couse though you probably wont deal with me when you set up but i would verymuch like to see the 17 go to somthing like 25 within the year as it looks its only going to 20 possibly because of the at and t merger with cingular everyone has been leaving them... hahaha. thanks guys and galls.

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