Samsung Galaxy Mega 2
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Bigger is better in a long run.
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I am a new in the box older generation hunter. I found this on a popular auction site new and at a good price. I am currently with Straight Talk (BYOP). For start, this phone almost eliminates my thirst for a tablet. With its huge screen and telecommunications capabilities, I don't need to get a tablet. The keyboard is excellent. I've bearly made a typo. I am not a game fan, but I tried it out with some Sonic the Hedgehog game. It was a good experience, but removed it for the reason why I am not a game fan...The battery. To each his or her own when it comes to games. Internet browsing is the best on this phone because the device is huge yet small enough to browse as if you was on a tablet. . Call quality is great and I had no issues of holding it up to my ear. In fact, I found it easier to hold. This phone is the end of the line for me. Anything smaller is a major step back. It is not all that flashy with weird curves and designs which makes this phone shine for me. If you choose to get this device, do your self a favor and get a good case with a build in screen protector. That goes for any high end device. Scratch the case not the phone!