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Samsung Galaxy S6 (CDMA)


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See also: Review: Samsung Galaxy S6 for Sprint ›


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Amazing phone, lackluster battery


Dec 12, 2015 by Southpaw89

Carrier: Sprint

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This phone is extremely capable and boasts amazing features. Camera is second to none and overall "feel" is extremely pleasant. It's fun to use this phone.

That being said the battery life is abysmal. If your using the phone heavily you may have just a couple to a few hours of life on it. But it does charge very quickly so that helps some.

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Galaxy S6


Dec 11, 2015 by khoover81

Carrier: Verizon

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The phone that I currently have has a poor battery life and gets hot really easily. The device also has a lagging keyboard that struggles to keep up. I've tried resetting my device; however, this did not fix my issues.

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By far the best


Dec 9, 2015 by ivang102

Carrier: Sprint

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I've owned every galaxy under the sun. From the original to now also a few Note devices. I work in the industry and it is nice to get to use the latest and greatest. Now lets get to it.

I currently have Sprint and live in the Mid-West region. Call quality has been an improvement over the last few years. HD voice has definitely been a plus for me. Data speeds are better then i have had in the past. Finally Sprint is getting things right.

Now to the phone.

I've had it over 2 weeks now and no issues that I've noticed. Screen is super clean and crisp. Video's look crystal clear. Photos amazing. Design of the phone looks great. Super premium feel in the hand. Battery life is what i expect and I do get a days use out of it. Under heavy use i do charge it at least once but with quick charge capabilities I doesn't take long. I have convinced the non believers to make the switch to Samsung and not turn back.

My only issue is the lack of an SD slot. I'm a media junky and I have several SD cards with photos and videos and I can't use anymore.

Overall Samsung has done an fantastic job with the Galaxy S6 and can't wait to see what the next S device has to offer.

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Awesome besides the battery life


Dec 9, 2015 by Cuzman

Carrier: Sprint

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I have had Sprint for 2 generations now, Galaxy 4 and Galaxy 6, and I haven't noticed any difference in the network related specs. Sprint offers unlimited data, which I need, but is spotty while I'm between towns usually.
The phone itself is great! I pre-ordered it and picked it up on launch day. I was frustrated at first with the lack of removable battery and expandable storage, but I found that neither have been an issue yet. I got the 64gb black sapphire version of the phone and I have no storage issues.
The camera quality has been great, but has occasional seizures now. When I launch the camera app the lens vibrates very fast and takes several seconds to mellow down and focus. I can get a warranty replacement but just haven't done it yet. I really like the pro mode on the camera, I find that often the default pro options take photos with more accurate colors than the auto mode.
Screen quality is fantastic.
My one big issue with the phone is the battery life. I do a lot of streaming and gaming with my phone, and it just cant handle it. On my days off when I have the time to game I can go from 100% to low battery in under 3 hours. The Adaptive Fast Charging cord is a life saver, since I can take a break to make some food, do dishes, shower, whatever, and come back 20 minutes later and be at half battery again.
I do not have any buyers remorse about this device, it really is a fantastic piece of hardware, but I will not buy a Samsung phone on launch day again because of the battery issues. I will be keeping a close eye on devices from LG and Motorola next year when upgrade time comes, and will consider a different brand if Samsung is not able to improve the battery life of their devices.

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S6 after 6 months


Dec 9, 2015 by drewwade

Carrier: Sprint

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I have had the S6 for Sprint since day 1. I've enjoyed the phone and have seen tremendous speeds on Sprints LTE+ network although signal strength isn't as good as I've had with my previous Samsung phones. At this point though the battery life is terrible. If trying to watch a video or play a game be prepared to charge the device significantly more.

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Top notch, but there's still a way to go!


Aug 25, 2015 by Sams   updated Aug 25, 2015

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This phone is a beauty. Size is still too big for me (4.7” would be the sweet spot), battery just average. We all know that the screen is stunning (although at an angle it shift colors a bit) and the camera is also among the best. Coming from my Motorola Droid Mini, the contrast of the camera photos is unbelievable. Still, the S6 gets too many blurry photos at times.

While this is almost the perfect phone, there’s plenty left to be desired. Compared to my Mini, I noted some differences which I really miss:

The clock & notification preview (even with a locked phone, just by picking it up) is something I was so used to it, I took it for granted and now sorely missing. Now I need to power up the phone in order to see the clock

Recent calls does not show the tel # (although u can swipe right to call back)

Missed calls in notification area will not show CALL BACK or TEXT symbol (although u can swipe left to text)

Galaxy is the only Android phone to put the BACK button at right, instead of the left

Samsung Text msg app does not show characters remaining (out of 160) – like on their previous phones

Text msg app does not show total messages at each contact next to their name

Icons on notification needs improvement, for SMS, Gmail, Wifi & LTE. Also the AM/PM should be smaller (like HTC) so should the battery %

No batch select of SMS messages, to delete a bunch of messages

Gmail & Missed calls, does not have a counter

Very little selection of normal ringtones

HOME button not lighted, back button light goes off too often, can't set to stay on

Widgets is not in same drawer as Apps, you can’t even access the PLAY STORE from within the app drawer

No on/off switch for Bluetooth/WiFi within the Settings menu

Moving from screen to screen shows boxes indicator, not a fine thin line. Also the main HOME screen is now left, not center

Unfortunately, this phone died on me a few times and erased my data

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