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Audiovox CDM-8920 / PM8920


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Aug 8, 2006 by kinkychicken

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Hello. I created an account with Phone Scoop for the sole purpose of informing you how badly this phone sucks.

Pros, from most significant to least:

Cons, from most significant to least:
1) DISGUSTING BATTERY LIFE. I have to charge it every night, which is fine by me. But once I unplug it in the morning, it loses one of its four battery life bars! When I make my first call of the day (which spans no more than one minute), it continues to drain until there is only one bar remaining! If I did not bring the charger with me to work, the phone would be dead by my lunch break!

2) Lousy reception. I understand that this could be due to:
- the shittiness of the phone itself
- my service provider
- my location at the time of the phone call.
However, I have several family members, peers, and friends who use the same service provider that I do, IN the same location I have been in, and they receive great reception.

3) The date and time display on the interior of the phone is huge, obstructing my display picture.

4) Its physical appearance is hardly sexy.

Anwyay, cellular phones are supposed to be convenient. Some people use them for lengthy, personal conversations, others use cellular phones for business use only, and few people use them strictly for emergencies. How convenient is this piece of junk if I am about to die, and I cannot even dial "911" because "Warning! Battery life low!" flashes incessantly and does not allow me to make that one call? This phone sucks.

Hot dickings.

I'm gonna miss this little guy


Jul 1, 2006 by jondoogin

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I've grown rather partial to this phone. I've had the 8920 for approaching two years now and I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it's gone. Time to move on though, I need e-mail support and better sound.


1. APPEARANCE - When this thing first came out it was top of the line and a pretty slick machine. Two years later it's still a competitive style and still in great shape after hundreds of 4-foot drops. The User Interface was state-of-the-art when the phone first came out, and the aesthetic beauty of the displays and menus really makes this phone stand out even today

2. USEFULNESS - Whether at work, school, on the road, or out to eat I always managed to find a purpose for this thing. Whether it was the calculator, stopwatch, alarm clock, or Scheduler, I always seemed to be putting it to use. The camera left something to be desired, though the resolution was great, but I've been using digital cameras for years and I have no need for a camera phone so disregard my thoughts on the camera.

3. RECEPTION (Kansas City, KS, Sprint)- I can think of only a handful of places over the last two years that this phone has not worked consistently, one being the deep basement of a college dorm with a thick cement foundation. I've lived in 3 homes in two years, separated by over a 100 miles, and only passing-by the deserted Kansas plains would my phone randomly have less than two bars.


1. SOUND QUALITY - The sound quality of the speakerphone REALLY left quite a bit to be desired. This is my only real complaint over the two years I've had this phone. Forget about using the speakerphone in a moderately noisy area like a bar or at a concert. As for the ringtones, it really takes some searching to find a sound clip that won't get completely distorted by this phone's external speaker.

2. SPRINT - A personal displeasure with Sprint's wireless service has forced me to find a new wireless provider.

Great phone, not so great sound, but worth it.

My new 8920 Good Phone!


Jul 12, 2004 by stephenl65

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I purchased my new 8920 on Friday 7/09 so I have used it now for 3 days. My review of the phone and features are:

1. Great main lcd screen beautiful colors
2. Great reception for this phone as well spot down the street from my house where all my other phones lose signal this one hasn't yet.
3. Great sound on ringtones as long as you don't go above 4.
4. Menus very easy to navigate almost like samsung.
5. Speakerphone (I will talk about this in a minute)
6. 1.3 mega pix camera takes very good pictures just about what I would have expected.
7. Battery life is great
8. Some think this phone gets too hot, I have used it a lot vision and talking hasn't gotten any hotter than any other phone I have owned.
9. I really like the blue led's on the side of phone lights up during calls and mesg.

1. Speakerphone, to soft, can't talk with it closed.
2. It took me several tries to get the camera down and now that I have taking pics is awesome. The macro is still pretty fuzzy but who really needs the macro.

I would say right now those are my only cons, I have read many reviews on this phone and can't seem to understand how someone can review this phone without using it for at least 3 days. People complain that it is breakable well DAAA! It's a piece of electronic equip and can be broking. Just don't' break it. I have owned sanyo 8100, 4500, 5300, samsungs vga 1000, a680 Toshiba vm4050 and I have to say this 8920 happens to be right in line with those phones give or take a little of course. I like this phone and will keep it.

Excellent picture and screen resolution


Jul 10, 2004 by awesomedeals88

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I personally think that this phone overall is really good.


1) 262K screen resolution
2) 1.3MP camera w/flash
3) Alarm + Stopwatch
4) Blue flashing light on the side
5) Good battery life
6) Able to record many voice memos


1) Speaker is not loud at level 5
2) Speaker doesn't work when phone is closed
3) Ringtones are distorted at level 5
4) Reception is not that great
5) Not that much memory to download games, applications, ringers, and screensavers.

Not So Important

1) Readylink
2) Camcorder

This is a very attractive phone


Sep 9, 2004 by redtech

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Pros - the looks from every angle, the feel, the call quality (Sprint, Twin Cities MN), the display, the sounds

Cons - internet isn't all that fast, rings are distorted at the highest level, a serious lack of available accessories. Audiovox.com is the best place. There is no plastic holster for this phone.

The camera is obviously good for a cell phone camera but even at the highest resolution, there's no mistake that the picture came from a cell phone. The 8X zoom only works at the lowest res. There is no zoom option on the highest res. The flash is nice but isn't enough to make up for a room that is too dark. This camera is best used outside or in a florescent lit office environment. You must see this phone lit up in person to appreciate it. It really is a good phone for the cost. I was also considering the moto v600 and samsung e316 but went with this and have no regrets (although I'm sure i'd have no regrets with the e316 either, but AT&Ts rates are higher than sprints for me). on this site and cnet, people tend to give this phone a lower rating but i don't know why. for the cost, you're not going to get a phone that is much nicer. in fact, even for quite a bit more money you're not going to get that much nicer of a phone.

I have had this one on sprint


Sep 14, 2009 by narn3049

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I give this phone a 4.5 only because it would not stand up to me. LOL. I seem to break phones really easily and this was back when I had sprint. I have sprint for my work.

I had tried this phone but it just wasn't for me,. I liked the features and i liked the phone but after awhile the screen gives out the antennae breaks off and the paint chips off.

the camera was nothing. I give it a 4.5 just because it still worked, but cosmetically it looked liked it had been used as a hockey puck!

I had been through the rumor and the rant as well. Rant had a manufacturer battery default and would not hold a charge. the rumor survived everything but sadly broke in half, I find myself with the nokia 3588i now

Hey guys, I am sorry I accidently posted this on the verizon phone forum, I do think it is the exact same model, but it may not be. Good phone though

like it.


Aug 10, 2006 by nam00

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I like this phone until I got the replacements. I originally got this because they were out of stock on my old phone, samsung vga1000, and it worked great for a year and a half. It took a beating. I fell in a river and drowned it, dried it out and it still worked. I dropped it numerous times once while rock climbing, it survived. Then I get it replaced and I dont know if they sent it to a new company to make them but now they just suck. This is the second one and both broke so lock line(the insurance company) is sending me a different model. Thank god.

Hate it


Oct 25, 2005 by kgreen3

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This phone is crap. I am on my 3rd phone like this. First one I got out of my car and it hit the ground and it broke apart. So I bought a new one because the guy the guy told me that it was a good phone and he never seen that b4. a week later i dropped it in grass and it broke again GRASS it was about a 6 in fall and it broke again. on top of that if you talk on it for more then 5min it gets hot. Hate this phone stay away. Just stay away from audiovox all together and you will have a much more enjoyable cell phone experience

8920 - Good but look closer


Oct 9, 2004 by ffourtwenty

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I've had this phone for a few days now and it so far has impressed. The screens are very nice and the camera impresses - but upon closer review, I've found the Sanyo 8200 to be a bit better. Here's why:

1. The Sanyo's speakerphone is much better and operates with the flip closed.

2. The Sanyo's ringers are really nice, even when loud.

3. The Sanyo's pictures are really nice - almost as good as an inexpensive digicam at lowres! The 8920's images at highres are not that great - VERY grainy.

4. The 8920 has a "weighted" flip - the Sanyo's has that surgical "click" you know you love :)

5. You can get the 8200 in red!

If I were to recommend a choice now, it would be the Sanyo 8200. It's the better balanced out of the two. If you'd like to see some images, email me and I'll show you some samples. ffourtwenty@hotmail.com


excellant phone


Feb 9, 2005 by redeyes24

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I think this is a great phone love the design and features on it I don't know why when i compared it to other phones that it says it has no side buttons when clearly they do have volume.

pros: great features
good camera with mega pixel
buttons are easy displayed
flashers at the side of phone

cons: battery life isn't great
no blue tooth
speaker phone needs improvement

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