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Nokia 3205


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Nokia baby


Sep 3, 2005 by saraisbugz

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I LOVE THIS PHONE I got it from telus only 100 dollars it rock I didn't want to buy it after all the bad reviews but I love it know it's so cool I love the camera ans the faceplate's there the best i wish it came with better ring tones thought oh well i give it a 4.5 out of 5 cause I love it oh ya I don't Like the Only game it came with it sucks Oh well theres my review

The Nokia 3205i


Aug 24, 2005 by 3205

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I think the nokia 3205 is a very good phone with lots of features but one thing i am not liking is the layout of the keypad but it still is kool :-) this phone is cheap $100.00 on pay as you go on TELUS mobility network.
this phone is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Overall


Jun 13, 2005 by acidii_

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Just got this phone on Thursday last week, here are my pros and cons;

-easy to use menu as all Nokia phones.
-design you face plates with precut sheets to print on.
-Flashlight is great.
-MP3 ring tones work, sounds with lyrics not just music.
-Predictive text learns words.

-Can't turn off the shutter sound when taking pictures, that drives me up the wall (I even tried calling Nokia and they could not help.)
-Faceplate is hard to remove at first.
-Speaker phone is not that loud, can't here if its more then 2-3 feet away.

I love my phone


Oct 25, 2004 by mistedawn

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I was so excited to get my new phone. I got it before any of the local stores had it. I have downloaded fun mp3 rings ... THAT ACTUALLY SING THE WORDS... not just the music! I thought the keys would confuse me, but once i got used to them they were just as easy as the old ones. IT lights up when it rings, it's actually very pretty. So far, everyone ive visited w/on the phone said i sound very very clear and when i put it on speaker phone, i can hear it just fine and they can hear me as well. it comes w/a program to install on your computer to make your own covers I have made my own savers too! the battery life is pretty good so far, the camera takes great pics when your outside.. a little dull when inside.

Great phone, great features


Jul 28, 2004 by kenan921

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I'm using this phone with MetroPCS service in the Atlanta area.

Pros: Great sound quality, nice size, camera takes excellent pictures (much better than earlier Nokias), very good organizer features, IR, syncs easy with pc using USB cable, very loud ringtones and sound, good T9 for texting, battery life good for CDMA phone, you can print out your own case pattern, LED flash light on bottom is really bright, Great contact management (allows your contacts to have 5 phone numbers, street address, web address, and email address, and note.)

Cons: Screen (4096 colors) doesn’t do the built in camera justice. Pictures look all blotchy on camera screen, but absolutely great in emails. Keypad awkward at first, but now that I'm used to it, I actually like it.

Overall: Great phone, just wish it had a slightly better screen, given its excellent built in camera.

Nokia's Improving


Mar 18, 2005 by chicachica

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This phone is a great phone to keep you busy. It has so many options to keep you interested. Nokia is definately improving with their technology. I have to agree with most others when I say that the only downfall is the lack of great ringtones and the quality of the pictures. I find if you take photos on night mode, they turn out a lot better. I have downloaded a few to my album and they're pretty decent, for a camera phone. The service is great. I don't get any interruptions. This phone is a lot better that any other that I have owned. I haven't had anyone return this phone or call in for troubleshooting.

I love this phone!!!!


Jan 29, 2005 by angelichippy

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I really love this phone. I kept holding out until the Sprint stores got it in stock before purchasing a cell phone in my new area. The quality is the same as I've come to love with Nokias. The audio is very clear. I wish the speaker phone was just a little bit louder, but people say they can hear me just fine on it. I also love the cut-outs and the fact that it comes with software so you can make some of your own to personalize it even more. I love the games that came with it, especially Bounce. I love the radio too, it comes through very clear and loud through the speaker. All in all, I was very impressed with this phone. The only thing that could have been improved just a little bit is the cameras picture quality. It's a little grainy on the screen, but in emails it's great quality. I would definately recommend this phone.

good phone!


Dec 28, 2004 by ReneLucha

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the nokia 3205 is a great phone. it has your personized "go to" buttons, a camera that can take fairly large pictures, you can make your own faceplates, has a freggin' radio, and is durable (i would no by dropping it so much.) although it does not use a sim card with sprint pcs, it does not effect me at all. i dont have to worry about losing the sim card at all.

Awesome phone, it had to be Nokia


Sep 5, 2005 by Blaze_Avril

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I'll talk about the experience I had with the Nokia 3205n in Movilnet C.A. over here in Venezuela and I can't say it's a bad phone since, though it had many functions locked thanks to the operator, that sucks by the way, it served me very well and I could customize it they way I wanted, I had 2 Avril Lavigne faceplates and all her ringtones and I was da** happy with it.

Pros and Cons:


1) You can make it unique if you want to.

2) Keypad made for SMS.

3) A younger version of the Nokia 6225n and has nothing to envy to it and its also more practical.

4) Excellent camera quality for a cheap cellphone and excellent resolution, tough its a 4096 colors screen, they used them very well.

5) Nice and easy to use like all Nokias.

6) Great PC-Phone connection through the DKU-5.

7) Excellent reception, sound quality and battery life.

8) Nice flashlight and very useful.

Cons: (Warning: my cellphone's firmware was altered to accomplish the operator's expectations and needs and NOT THEIR USERS NEEDS)

1) No MMS either EMS on my cellphone but that could be fixed with an update, no MP3s or AMRs voice ringtones could be applied, video capture dead, to resume, all multimedia was gone.

This phone never failed to me with it's other functions so these cons can't be considered bad.

poor case design &text, great otherwise!


Aug 29, 2005 by lilsunkissed

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The day i bought my phone, i couldnt get the case off. I brought it back to the store i got it at and the guy said they were created to be tought to get off. I asked him to do it anyways, since i couldnt, and then watched as he struggled and nearly cracked the case in half as he finally managed to do it. I was never able to get it back off, nor was ANYONE else i knew. A year later, it looks really dirty because i havent been able to clean under the case. Besides that and the text messaging being a bit too difficult, i LOVE THIS PHONE!

*Calender options
*camera takes about 28 decent pics at a time
*programable buttons
*you can set your ring to any combo of noise level w/ or w/out vibrate
*You can "lock" it so when its floating around in your purse or whatever-it cant dial anything

Con: case(maybe it was just MY phone)
*the texting process
*The battery doesnt seem to last long-get a car charger
*Time and sprint logo take up to much of screensaver space

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