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LG MM-535


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Very nice phone!


Nov 20, 2005 by lorilicious

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Nice is not enough.....Great phone for the price. Rather pricey for some people but well worth it! Read on....

Great screen
Good picture resolution
Good video streaming
Very loud ringers
3-D sound
Crisp clear sound/voice
Great reception
Very solid slide
Mini SD-Card
Awesome speakerphone (very clear)
Tons of storage

No bluetooth
Battery life is too short
Antenna is rather large
Video recording is only 15 seconds

Overall very good quality phone


May 4, 2005 by scottsds

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I got his LG sometime after i returned my Sanyo 5600. The Sanyo 5600 had many problems that i was hoping i wouldn't experience in this LG 535 such as, bad low light quality pictures, choppy pixelated video, multimedia problems. Luckily the 535 suffered non of these problems. The camera works quite well in low light conditions and has a very bright flash, probably the brightest flash ive even seen in a phone. The camera is not as sharp as the 5600 though it good light conditions. The video is great quality. The phone speaker sounds great on the receiving end, but the people i talk to, unless the phone is held right up to my mouth seem to say it sounds a little hard to hear. The screen looks great, and the slide on the phone has a kind of spring to it so you only have to push it a little bit and it pops right up. I bought a 512 mini SD card for this phone, and put a couple movies on it and some mp3s, all of which sound a look awesome...

- Great looking screen
- Good picture quality, although pics can be some what blurry at times
- Great flash
- Great sounding speaker, loud and clear
- Great slide, love how the spring in it pops it into place
- Great interface
- Love the tip calculator

- Cannot record longer than a 15 second video clip
-Battery when watching movies or listening to mp3s is not so great
- When using the speaker to talk to people, people on the other end may have trouble hearing you
- Does not include data cable or headphones

Outstanding Phone


May 26, 2005 by dillusio

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Picked up this phone last week. I will say it is a bit pricey at $400 without a contract, but it is well worth it. The camera is the best I've seen on a phone, and the video quality is good. I am really impressed by the amount of storage available for pics and videos (110 pics at max res and fine quality or 40 15 sec videos) that's without the Mini SD card. One thing that quicksilver's review stated is false, you can use downloaded ringers for txt & MM message alerts, however i don't know if you can use ringtones from the SD card as i haven't purchased one yet. Using pics from the camera as your wallpaper become a touch distorted but it's nothing that can't be overlooked. The slide is solid and and easy to use. I also like the fact that you can answer calls with the slide closed, and you can make calls from your phone book or recent callers list without opening the slide. The self portrait mirror leaves something to be desired as the outer edge of it is somewhat distorted, but again that can be ignored by most people. The speaker phone function is outstandingly clear and the Mic. is of great quality. Now i just need to save my pennies and get a SD card then i ditch my PDA as an MP3 player and take 3 min videos, but even without it is the best phone I've owned. Oh and just to clarify I'm a Telus customer so the physical quirks i mentioned might not be on the sprint version of the phone.

Great Phone - Very Happy !!


Jul 6, 2005 by mike-mpls

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I just purchased this phone from Qwest after my Motorola bit the dust.

I am very happy with the 535 - It has an awesome color display with 3d effects.

It also has a great speaker so now I can actaually hear my caller and don't have to listen through the pin hole speaker that my old motorola had.

The menu is very intuitive and easy to use and navigate and this phone just have great features.

I wasn't sure about the slide feature of the phone but so far am very pleased with the phone overall.

Colorful and Bright


Jul 3, 2005 by linecruzer

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I have had my phone for 5 days now. I can't stop playing with it. Great features!
Takes great Pictures. I Purchased a SDcard the same day I bought the phone and Use it to store my MP3's and pictures. Overall, I like everything about the phone.

The phone has a really smooth finish. I sometimes worry It might slip out of my hands. I wish the side buttons were a little bigger and it doesn't have a hole for a hand strap. When playing MP3's The back light does not go out.

But, all things considered It's a great piece of technology.

Just Outstanding simply put!!!!


Jun 12, 2005 by Willie_Esco23

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Ok I've had this phone 3 days now and I can't put it down at all. No it's not just cause it's a new phone, but rather this phone is just so advanced I can't find my self to part with it. The phone comes with 20MB of availible flash memory and can be extended with a miniSD card. I choose this phone over the other MM phone(MM7400, MM5600, and MMA800) none of them really interested me. You will not be upset with your purchase you'll be beating yourself up wondering why you did'nt get this phone sooner.


Excellent Reception( Haven't had one dropped call yet). Beautiful Screen (at 262k with a 176x220 resolution some may say it's not high res.) that's 2 inches of rich color and sharpness. Great Graphics processor that handle all mobile games I've tried very well. 3D game capable ( PLaystation 1 graphics on your cell phone). 1.3MP camera and video camera.AAC/MP3 ringers. 3D stereo speaker, High quality speakerphone. Very clear earpeice that's comparable with the Toshiba VM-4050. I could go on and on but you get the point already.


??? What cons?? if you read the pros above then you should'nt expect and cons from me.

In closing this is LG's best phone to date on any carrier. It was built very solid and to of very high quality standards.

Battery!!! might as well get the extended


Aug 10, 2005 by palangga

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I like this phone. Bigger screen, slick way of opening it. Very different. But the battery life needs alot of working on. Since the screens big and every time you slide open the phone the lights will turn on. More battery is being used so when you really need to talk on the phone, you won't have as much talk time as you expected to have. To get the amount of time expected you would have to get an extended battery just to be compatable with a sanyo standard battery.

535 review


Jul 11, 2005 by badjuju98

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I've had this phone for about 2 weeks and I noticed a couple of things that i didn't like about the phone. First I noticed that there is no option to dim the screen. The battery life is short because the software (sprint has no idea when the software update will be available). Reception is ok, I have dropped a couple of calls. I compared the sound of the speaker to my brothers Sanyo 5600 and the 535 has a crackling sound at full volume while the 5600 does not. I plan on trying out the A800 because of the battery life problem. Overall the phone is great, they just need to fix the problems. Just my 2 cents.

Switched from 5600 to 535


May 21, 2005 by stlkevin

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Sprint really can't seem to put it all together, can they? You have multimedia phones with great features like mp3 aand video and cameras and camcorders but the implementation is weak. For example you cant use mp3s as ringers and you cant listen to music and play a video at the same time. And whats up with the new Samsung having no speakerphone??

Anyway. This phone is my favorite phone I have ever owned thus far, despite its shortcomings.

great camera (best 1.3 mp ive seen, good video quality (blows 5600 away) good speaker and speakerphone. (5600 was louder)
good screen (5600 Was a little better), cool design

Cons: media is not intergrated like in the new sony-ericson phone for cingular. small buttons, 15 sec video clips only even with mini sd card (joke!) NO SUSPENDED APPS. ( when will we get that??)

overall the best phone from telus


May 15, 2005 by terry0703

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- superbright 262k colour big screen
- mp3s and embedded ringtones sound REALLY loud and crystal clear with the stereo speaker
- cool semi-auto slide style
- expandable mini sd slot
- photo quality is surprisingly better than i expected(at least the best quality among telus models)..enough to use as my secondary camera
- led flash
- video recording time limit can be increased to 200 sec per recording
- fast response
- good battery life(plays mp3 for more than 6 straight hours)
- can play movie clip files after converting them on pc and transferring to the memory card

- no way to upload my own images/ringtones without hacking
- can set the photo taken by the phone as the wallpaper, but it is a bit stretched to fill the screen, so doesn't look good. moreover it is not fully stretched to fit the full screen just like the default wallpaper..weird implementation of the feature by LG
- clock should've been a bit smaller or located on a corner so it doesn't block the centre of wallpaper
- telus doesn't provide any games to experience 3d graphics
- images/ringtones downloadable from telus are way too garbage quality for the phone. even the most expensive ringtone sounds crappy
- navigation key is too small
- when using speakerphone, the other side hears his own voice as echo
- lg's original stereo headset is not out yet
- too little customizability with only 2 menu styles which i don't like both
- have no idea with how mp3's are sorted
- a bit bulky
- no hole for handstrap

most of my cons are based on minor ones which users do not worry about much, or telus' lack of support.
the phone itself is a really good choice in its price range. it's not easy to find such a phone with coold slide style, mp3 player, 1.3m digicam, crystal clear and loud ringtones, and 3d graphincs(which we can't try yet) with its price.

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