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BlackBerry 7100 / 7105


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Want unrealible service and many dropped calls then this is the phone and service for you!!!!


Sep 12, 2006 by amcdermott24

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When I first got my blackberry 7100 I loved it and probably should have received some cash from RIM and T-Mobile for all the business I sent their way. Now I wish I would have never gotten the phone. As far as features, look, ease of use are concerned the phone is great. However don't let that bar far at or below two bars. Once that happens poof goes your call. I know that part of it is the area I am located. But I'm not in the sticks I am 45 minutes outside Chicago for heavens sake! The ONLY reason I am not getting rid of the phone is because our company uses the enterprise server and I told this is the only phone that it works with. T-Mobile although they have great plans and pricing cannot match the service I had with Verizon. As far as the Blackberry goes I have never had any other PDA phone but if this is all I have to look forward to maybe I'll just go back to a pen and paper!!!!!

Cingular 7100g can sync via bluetooh


Feb 8, 2006 by avattathil

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Syncing VIA Bluetooth on Blackberry 7100g

I have read many articles on phonescoop. Many of you are having issues syncing the 7100g via Bluetooth on Windoose. The spec even says for headset only. I have successfully synced up via Bluetooth. on Outlook and Lotus Notes. The capabilities are there, you just have to unlock them.

Here is what you need.
Latest Desktop Software BlackBerry OS v4.1
Here is the link https://www.blackberry.com/Downloads/entry.do?code=A8BAA56554F96369AB93E4F3BB068C22

Operating System Upgrade
BlackBerry OS v4.1.0.210 CSL (Multilanguage) Contains English (Hong Kong release)

Here is the link https://www.blackberry.com/SoftwareDownload/index.jsp?client=cB5RB4aRB

Windows XP SP2
and a Bluetooth device that compatible. What does compatible mean? It mean you should be able to plug in the Bluetooth device and have windows support via the generic MS drives. I used a D-Link USB Bluetooth (kinda pricey, $35). But works great. Creative CB2436 Works as well. I did not test with Creative I just know it does not need drivers on XP SP2.

Note Third party drivers do not work.(Have to use Microsoft drivers as far as I know)

After device is installed the Bluetooth logo should be in the taskbar or desktop.
Set it to discover. Then discover it via the 7100g and pair. (Optionally you and trust the device with the device.)

Install the desktop software
Go to BlackBerry Device Manager Right Click properties and click Enable Bluetooth support. Then click configure Bluetooth and
Add device. WALA you’re good to go.

To sync go to launch the Desktop client and go to connection settings and select Bluetooth.

Then launch Intellisync or (Companion for Lotus Notes) and configure your PIM and off you go. If you need help email mail me I will try to help you out. It’s a pretty nice device I had to monkey around with it for a while. I also got some cool themes loaded.

Have Fun

Good BUSINESS phone not for college students!


Dec 8, 2005 by auburnfan24

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when i got this phone for cingular...they failed to tell me it had a $49.99/month charge for the internet...if you dont get the internet, the phone is basically worthless.

good screen
clear calls (on my end)
doesnt lag (unlike smartphones)

no camera/mp3 player
bad reception
weird keyboard
no vibe + ring only vibe then ring
ringers are not loud
1 game

all in all, its a good phone for business use...its just not for me. im returning it for the new sony ericsson.

7105 Reasons to get this phone......


Nov 28, 2005 by sunilsonia

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OK may be not that many but I've got to say, this RIM Blackberry 7105T phone is a FAR and AWAY IMPROVEMENT over my previous T-Mobile Cellphone, a Siemens CF-62T. But then again, DCS (Dixie Cups and a String could also have beaten that phone too :-) .)


-The Deal I got for purchasing this phone ($70 after all rebates), plus a free Bluetooth from http://www.blackberry.com when purchased prior to 11/30/2005 (those who didn't get their headset, I highly suggest you do this through this offer);

-The Reception on the speaker is exceptional and loud too compared to any previous phone I've had.

-The sync for calendar, tasks, contacts, notes and memos can be seemless and automatic if set to do so via the software included in box.

- Setting up a POP3 e-mail account is simple! And best of all, I am getting my e-mails quite seemlessly on my work a/c. So much so, that my colleague who had the Blackberry (different model but with VZW) was asking what I did and who I contacted to setup? The answers were I contacted none one except for T-Mobile PDA Support Desk and just simply setup a POP3 a/c on this basis.

- IM when I am at the airport in the event I need to reach out to someone.

-Phone size is perfoect and is made of different material compared to the ugly plastic 7290.

-When travelling, with previous phones, the time always updated automatically according the the local time zone but here it doesn't seem to be doing so, atleast not yet. If anyone knows how to do this, then please post the steps out in the forum for T-Mobile.

7105 Great; 7100 Not


Oct 29, 2005 by gendur

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Having had the 7100 through Cingular (returned 2 weeks later) and recently purchasing the 7105 from TMobile, I can say the 7105 and TMobile service are great (Cingular and the 7100 were not). With the 7105 I am able to access my Yahoo account, receive/open/respond/delete emails without having to log in to Yahoo--all done from the same screen where my work messages arrive. When I write an email I can select which email address the sender will see (work or Yahoo)--I love this feature. When I respond to an email the recipient sees my address from the same service the message was sent to (either Yahoo or work). Web browsing is faster on the 7105/TMobile than it was with the 7100/Cingular. The service is cheaper and I only had to commit to a one year contract. Try the 7105, you won't remember how you lived without it.

So far I love it!


Aug 28, 2005 by crispeto

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Please keep in mind that if you're looking for an entertainment phone/pda - this isn't the one for you. It doesn't have an mp3 player or camera. I have a great digital camera and an mp3 player that I don't use that much so these options are not important to me. This phone has a great screen. Good sound quality. Great push email. Good internet browser. I also have a word processor and the NIV bible on it. It also works great as a pda. I seldom use my axim x30 anymore. Tmobile has also been great. So far, it's the perfect phone for me.

First Impressions are good so far...


Mar 11, 2005 by BigPig

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I've only had this phone/pda for a day, and so far I'm very impressed with it's ease of use and functionality. Very easy to set up. At first I thought the size was going to be more of a factor, but it's really not that bad. I'm already used to the BlackBerry software, so no real learning curve for me. The BlackBerry software is easy anyway. I'll try to post another review before my 14 days is up.

- Excellent screen indoos
- All data can be secured and encrypted.
- Intellisync works great w/ Outlook 2003
- USB charging is very convenient
- Email works great (I do not use BES)
- So far, so good on viewing attachments: I have been able to view Word, Excel, Adobe and JPG
- IM works great (I use ICQ)- really neat to be able to chat anywhere
- Internet is cool, slow but still neat to have on the go
- Very easy to call, email or SMS from address book
- Tons of settings

- Screen is really hard to see outdoors
- Can't save attachments other than pictures in the photo album
- No MP3 player
- No expansion slot
- Battery life not great (will need to charge everyday, but no a huge deal)
- Service seems to be a little lower than with Moto v600 (not sure how much of a problem that is yet)
- Speakerphone doesn't activate until call is placed

All in all I really like it so far. But, as all of my freinds tell me, I'm sure I can find something to make me dislike it if given enough time.

First blackberry, got rid of IPAQ


Mar 1, 2005 by Ferguson

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Very heavy e-mail user, never had a blackberry though we use them and BES at our office. Finally gave in and decided to try it.

Note that I had tried a HP IPAQ 4700, which I loved in general, but found it useless for e-mail. Activesync was way too flakey with the desktop version, and the Exchange 2003 version never synched right. Browsing was good.

But it's e-mail I wanted, and in that regard the 7100t (really the Blackberry OS and BES) are wonderful. Great. Can't say enough. It just works. Not perfect, but close enough that it doesn't get in the way.

And it's a phone, or close enough to the right size and shape that it works as one. Blue tooth and the Motorola HS810 make a great alternative to holding it to my head anyway.

Wonderful e-mail integration
Size and shape a good compromise
(Surprise) weird keyboard works fine
Much better keyboard for use as a phone
than standard BB
Decent RF
Very usable user interface
Great screen for inside use, very bright
Works as wireless modem for laptop
(via USB not BT)
Did I mention wonderful e-mail integration?

Battery life average, about 2-3 days of
lite usage
Voice quality - very clear, not loud enough
Both handset and BT headset
Fine for moderate ambient noise
Marginal vibrator strength
Fair web browsing (via T-Mobile)

Lousy, really awful documentation
(good web forums available)
Inadequate volume on ring tones
Lousy screen for use in sunlight
(but terrific inside)

Excellent all in one...


Feb 18, 2005 by teamx

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I have been using the phone for sometime now and completely satisfied with what it can do. The form factor is outstanding, slightly larger than most phones but very light and very powerful. Intellisync software works very well, software that came with the phone did not support XP. Syncing with Lotus Notes was a breeze. Battery life seems to good even with heavy browsing. Highly recommend if your looking for one device to do most things and not carry a brick around your hip.

Excellent Web Email Phone


Feb 17, 2005 by goldragon

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I am 100% satisfied with this Blackberry 7100t.
PHONE : sound quality is excellent, and the big screen displays time/number all info while on a call.
WEB PAGE : screen is big enough to display regular pages completely, and I can check my emails at other domains with rare Java error.
EMAIL : one time setup to connect to my aol account was easy.
SEPARATE Phone/PDA func : you can turn off phone function only and use it as PDA in an airplane (other phones must be turned off by law)
BLUETOOTH: no wire needed to connect to my Lexus. Range is quite long too.

Battery life: you gotta charge once or twice a day if you browse internet all day long like me. But this is o.k. for these days phone. (Charging takes only 10~20 min.)

Conclusion; How will you view internet when you are away home/office? Blackberry is a cheap and good tempo replacement of huge laptop. (also useful when in restroom with no magazines.)

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