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LG F9100


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what are you talking about????


Feb 4, 2006 by carlos14

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ok peoples this phone is not what people make it out to be i 100% agree with rickyg1974 this phone is great it's really firm you can type in contacts with the keyboard. so if your phone "frequently slides open in pocket" it must be defective and take it back for a quick fix!!! if your phone has "Poor earpiece volume" try turning the volume up, smarty pants (ixocean) and when you are on the browser you can type in the address ( maybe you just don't know how to use the phone mynameisnotreal) and if your one of those hi-tech people who NEED mp3, bluetooth, this phone aint for you. and if you don't like small keys get another phone. and OH MY GOODNESS there is no speaker phone, like who gives a rats ass hold the phone to your head like normal people. and if people say this phone has bad reception it's most likely because you live in "FARM TOWN" try moving to the city and you will get great signal. overall this is a GREAT phone don't be fooled by the people who and cellular phone challenged

$150...not worth the current price.


Feb 15, 2005 by ixocean

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As with many consumer products these days, some of the retail cost is more attributable to the marketing hype than the actual quality/feature set contained within the device, the LG F9100 is no exception. The phone was purchased (by me) for use on Cingular and will be returned to them after about two weeks of use, to be exchanged for the Moto a630 or SE s710a.

*Innovative slide design
*Decent screen brightness and resolution
*Nice QWERTY keypad, firm and responsive
*Friendly menu system
*Loud ringer

*Poor slide clasp (frequently slides open in pocket)
*Dated menu system; font choice makes the screen appear cheap
*Poor earpiece volume
*Limited use of screen (for menu function) with slide open

I was very excited to be among the first to use this phone, but quickly grew tired of the slide coming open at random and the 'cheap and dated' look of the screen. One has to wonder why, with such a capable screen, LG continues to use the equivalent of Courier font style for the softkey indicators on the standby screen. The limitations of the screen while the slide is open also makes one ponder the reason for this shortcoming. Clearly it is a software deal and could be addressed with a revision, but considering Cingular's knack for destroying a completely stable OS with an update, I would stretch to say they'd be better off to leave well enough alone.

FWIW, the phone would get much higher rank from me at the sub-$80 price range, but for the $150+ realm you begin to feel sore in the backside.


Entry Level Phone.


Jul 13, 2005 by Hello Moto

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Pros of this phone is the QWERTY keyboard and that's it. It isn't a BAD phone, but for someone who needs more performance, this phone is not worth it. The screen made for slow response time between menus. The text keyboard could only be used for IM, text and inputting phone book entries, it would have been nice to use it while on the web. I will say the browser was faster than expected, but again the screen couldn't keep up. The slide was to sensitive for me. With just a little movement while talking on it would cause it to try and open.
If you are primarily wanting to text and im, this is a good little phone. If you are used to more advance features like Bluetooth, mp3 ringtones, advance mms, don't go with this phone, you will be disappointed.
Also, the speaker is placed to far down to hear clearly. I traveled from south Mississippi to San Antonio, TX and this was by far the worst phone for hearing people. I bought an earbud to see if that would help and it did, but, either by design or defect the plug was loose... I took it back after having it for 4 days... I'll keep my v551 for now.

Not really worth it


Jun 29, 2005 by Wavetyler

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Out of the box the phone doesn't look that bad. The screen is sharp, and the phone is laid out well. However, as you have probably noticed in reading these reviews, when you get into it the features are very, very lacking. I was this close (-|-) to sending it back the very next day. But, knowing that new cell-phones are coming out almost as fast as Paris Hilton videos, I decided to wait and tinker with it to see what fun things I could do to it.

(* warning some mods will likely void your warranty) Changing the face-plate wasn't an easy task, as the phone has to be completely taken apart just to get to the face-plate screws. This can take awhile but (in my experience) it has a very interesting side-effect.

When putting it back together, I was able to adjust the screws on the slider giving it a much more solid feel. It no longer slides open by itself in my pocket or when just trying to talk with it. Which, at least for now, solves that problem.

JAVA 2.0
I just got the data-cable and have downloaded a ton of JAVA midlets to play with, so that may be fun.

Otherwise, I'm using the phone, and it's ok till my next one..which should be soon...



Jun 24, 2005 by mynameisnotreal

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Well, it was a surprise the first time I wanted to save someone phone number and I slid open the keyboard to enter all the information. The phone barked at me "Keyboard not supported! Please close slide!" Eh? You mean I have to enter the name and other info using the numeric keys!? But I have a full QWERTY keyboard right here! No such luck; the keyboard is ONLY for for messaging as far as LG is concerned. There is a way around it, but it's pretty sad that you have to save the info the edit it later.

And I still have yet to get Yahoo to work on this phone. It's just as easy to tell your messenger to send SMSs to your phone.

When you wish to browse the web, you can ONLY use the numeric keypad. Try typing in 30 characters or so, making one mistake, then finding out there is no backspace on the keypad.

Also, you periodically need to 'reboot' the phone as it seems to be as reliable as many Microsoft products. I never knew you could bluescreen a phone...

And yes, it has all the bells and whistles, calculator, alarm and such like. But they are buried under about two tons of menus, which are hard to navigate and are uncustomizable.

Poor planning on the part of LG abounds in this phone. I weep for my long-lost Nokia. It was simple and much better than this phone. Why, oh why, did AT&T get absorbed by the blob that is ? Alas...

And you know that keyboard? It doesn't have the '@' on it. Good thing no one uses that useless symbol these days...

It depends on what you like!


Jun 3, 2005 by DaRev1

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I played around with this phone for awhile and this is what I think about it.


Good design as far as phone size
Works great for text (keyboard)
Loud ringer
Brightness and resolution good (screen)


Poor slide clasp (frequently sides open in pocket)
Poor earpiece volume
Not very customizable, no option to change font size, face or color

Overall, it depends on the person who buys the phone. You may like it or you may not, you decide

no reason


Mar 23, 2005 by scuba8145

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No reason to buy. No bluetooth, no mp3, no speaker, no camera. The only thing you get is a keyboard, but with predictive text i find it unnecassary.IM client hardly works.Dont buy

It will do but not what I was expecting


Feb 15, 2005 by anevilweasel

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I wanted a phone with a qwerty keyboard because of my constant internet browsing and texting. I was going to choose between the Nokia 6820, Moto A630 and the LG F9100. I chose the F9100 based on availability and reviews. If I'd know what I know now it would have been an easier decision.

Comfortable in my hand
OS is faster than my Moto V220
keys are firm
Navigation seems easy enough
Qwerty keyboard

small buttons aren't the greatest for big hands
Keyboard is only good in address book and text messaging (also with SMS IM clients)?
No Bluetooth
No speakerphone

I can live without BT or speakerphone. they are just perks in my eye so my only real issues with this phone are the small keys (which I still find more responsive than my moto v220) and the limitations of the keyboard.

Had I known that I couldn't use the keyboard to enter text while on the internet I would have rethought this purchase. I've never found this said anywhere though. I've not even seen it in other reviews.

I will definately be checking out the A630 when released though. In the meantime...this will do.

nope not for me


Feb 15, 2005 by lgblows

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I was not happy to learn the limits of the cool slide out keypad. It is for I.M. ONLY !Speaking of the slide out, it annoyed me by slipping in and out while making calls. No speaker phone. No choice to turn off the ringer. A few dropped calls. I don't intend to keep this phone any longer to find more common sense features that are
"not supported".

This phone was amazing


Sep 3, 2010 by narn3049

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I owned this phone in 2005-06. It was durable. I had the screen protector always applied. But the phone wasnt protected anywhere else.

It was basically a GSM version of the LG rumor. It was better, because the keys were bigger from what ive seen. The camera was superb and it was probably the best phone that ive owned on cingulars network. Actually I'd put the treo 680p at the top

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