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BlackBerry 7250


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A Floor-me Piece of Technology


Aug 31, 2005 by ajgalli

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I have had a lot of phones and a lot of PDA's, computers, printers, cameras... technology in general. To put this simply, I haven't been this floored by a piece of technology since I got my first Mac. This Blackberry has simply amazed me. I recently switched to Verizon from T-Mobile (with the 7100t) for the data speeds. Verizons network is great. Although so was T-Mobiles; Verizon just has better coverage and data.

Great screen no mater what the lighting
Really easy to use OS
Simple and Clean
Great keyboard
Excellent standby time
Brilliant email integration
Bluetooth (although I'd like OBEX)
Great security
Complete one-handed use if needed
Lots of shortcuts to make things fast
Really solid build quality
Very stable OS (never has crashed or freezes on me)

No Camera

No speaker phone (but I'll forgive it)
No memory expansion (but 32MB does just fine)

I know what I want to ask for in the next version, but my Blackberry is now my mobile office. I know understand why people love their Blackberry so much. I love mine to! Never mind the Treo (unless you want the like not-really-so-useful bells and whistles) and although PocketPC is pretty powerful, I couldn't imagine using that and relying on it. The Blackberry is incredible. Simply but very powerful.

Perfect Blackberry


Jul 3, 2005 by supermanfan

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I have used several Blackberries including 6750, 7280, 7290, 7100T and like this one the best.


Great form factor
Keyboard (blows away the 7100s, and Treo)
EVDO - Coming soon I am told.
Doesn't cause GSM buzz on speakers during data use (don't understand how so many people tolerate this with GSM devices)


Battery could be better, but that is a CDMA issue not the device.

Great phone and messaging device


Mar 18, 2005 by JoeB1

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I have always held the belief that you need 2 devices...a phone and a PDA. The 7250 proves that you only need 1 device.

What pushed me to get the 7250 was my need to access email from anywhere and the Blackberry seemed the obvious choice. My thought was that I would have to give up some phone functionality in return for the messaging ability. I was wrong.

My previous phone was a Moto v710 and can I honestly say, email ability aside, the 7250 is a better phone.

This phone has exceeded my expectations.

messaging (email)
contact manager
Sound Quality

No camera
Limited Ring tones

Very impressive device, and bluetooth works with HF system in toyota land cruiser


Mar 4, 2005 by greatdane

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The 7250 is my third blackberry in as many years, and after one week of use, i am very impressed. it is much faster and more reliable than the 7750, and the bluetooth has worked fairly well with the hf system in my toyota land cruiser. big thumbs up.

I'd give it a go!


Feb 18, 2005 by BBman

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I have used this BB for over a week now and so far so good. Here are some Pro's and Con's:
Pro's -
Good signal strength (better than I expected from a BB)
Faster than the 7750
2 stage back lighting
HTML Browser

Con's -
no voice recognition
no speaker-phone

Over all I gave it a 4.5 just because I am truly amazed. I used to carry 2 devices and always would forget one. For the signal I travel across the upper mid-west on the VZW network. No problems so far....knock on wood!

Not bad RIM


Feb 17, 2005 by newjerseycat

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I have had this phone for about a week and this is what I think of the Blackberry 7250.

Small size
Bright screen
Battery life

No voice recognition
HTML Browser has trouble loading complex sites
Back light button tough to push
No speaker phone
No broadband EV-DO

Darn good..


Feb 21, 2005 by mvarre

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I have to agree with the others who have posted here. Overall I think this is one of the better BB's released. Biggest cons are no speakerphone and no voice recognition. However, it is lighter than its counterparts that do include speakerphone. and the fact that it has bluetooth makes up for no speakerphone. The bluetooth feature so far has worked excellently with the Jabra SpeakFree.

Overall, pretty darn good.

Great Blackberry


Feb 17, 2005 by moosemb

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The best PDA Device I have ever used. The bluetooth works great and the audio and coverage is great also TWO thumbs up..The only thing I wish it had was a extended battery but I have not had any problems with the standard battery.



Jul 26, 2005 by whitebear

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I found that the cons relating to the voice operation resulted in my having to switch to another phone. I found that the reception (internal antenna?) was very disappointing, especially in 2 or 3 bar areas-either loss of contact or static and the lack of a speaker phone and voice recognition really hurt the utility of the phone. No complaints with data.

My last phone was the V710 and I wonder if the high standards set by that device for voice reception colored my judgment here. It will be back to carrying two devices-an E815 for primary calls, and the Blackberry for second line usage.

GREAT device now even better!


Apr 6, 2005 by taeminn

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This one does a lot. I used to have 7510 on Nextel. Just what one might need for business (and pleasure). My wife got one... she really likes it (particularly wireless ear piece).

Battery life

CONs (more wishes)
Music play

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