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Samsung SCH-i830 / IP-830w


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Jan 23, 2007 by ncoley

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I absolutely love this phone!! I couldn't ask for more--seriously! Its got everything from a touch screen to microsoft powerpoint. This phone has set my standards higher for any other phone I will ever own.

A few features that I love: alarms! You can have up to 3 alarms and you can choose what days you want them to go off, rather than having just the plain "every day, every weekday, blah blah" Also, there is a slot on the side for memory cards!! I can take my card right out of my digital camera and upload pictues to my phone. AND assign pictures to my contacts. You can also put music on your card and use them for ringtones!!

One feature I would change: The original battery. On good days I get about 14 hours of use on it. KEEP IN MIND: The phone also comes with a long-lasting battery but I have yet to use it.

Other than that, I can't even think of a way to improve this phone! I definitely recommend this phone to ANYONE!!

A Micro-Laptop that happens to be a good phone!


Oct 18, 2006 by ken

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Let's face it, this isn't a phone. It really is a mobile intelligent terminal (MIT) that has great phone/voice capabilities. After being a Treo 600, 650 and 700P user, it took some getting used to (to transition from the treo User Interface to the WM5 UI). But as a true mobile tool for a business professional, it's outstanding! Speaker phone is loud and clear, internal Mic and Speaker are clear as well. Hold side volume button to drop to vibrate mode! Easy to hear in noisy environment. In fringe cell area works great! There are tricks to getting the most out of the menu's... worth investigating though. Screen is quite bright (no pda is that great in the sun, this one is up to par with the rest). Touch Screen very accurate and forgiving. Active Sync 4.2 comes with it, setup quite easily. Works nicely. I setup other POP/SMTP accounts using the default outlook messaging app on the phone, works great! Battery Life: with GPS turned off, Blue Tooth turned off, and having screen 1/2 dimmed, I get about 3 hours max. I may switch to dual USB/Charge cable accessory. Contact mgmt AOK. Everything you can do in outlook you can do with this... same goes for calendar, tasks, notes, etc.
Get an SD Storage Card!
Get SPRITE BACKUP. Backup to your SD card. A bad 3rd party app I tried froze the phone and caused root reformat, I recovered fully in under 4 minutes via Sprite Backup.
SafeStore is a FLASH RAM area don't rely on SafeStore area... use Sprite Backup to backup to SD card. Word, Excel, PowerPoint (pocket edition) work. You can do SAVE AS to take a pocket edition version and save as a DOC, XLS, PPT file to email to someone's workstation address.
I use MindJet MindManager Pro vers 6 on desktop. Just installed MindJet Pocket version. Works GREAT! It is heavy. Still looking for right case or clip to use. If you want WM5 PPC that does everything you need, this is it. If you're an ex-treo user like me, think of it as a micro-laptop. Keep that perspective, can't go wrong. Enjoy!

Pretty nifty, takes a bit getting used to


Apr 22, 2006 by gtksxp

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I have had the i830 for a week now; it's my first all-in-one gadget and I love the convenience. The OEM software runs very smoothly, although I wish I had a fast shortcut to set the phone to "vibrate" and not have to use the stylus. I have also yet to figure out how to reconcile the appointment reminder sounds and keep the Voice Command fully operational (if I uncheck sounds for events, I lose the voice prompts in the Microsoft software, which is awesome!) As far as phone performance is concerned, I have experienced quite a few lost signals, which I had not experienced with Motorola. Otherwise, it has not let me down yet. It's hardware is sturdy and cleverly designed. I hope it will last me a long time, since it cost me a bundle!

From sprint tech support


Nov 9, 2006 by sprinttech2

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There haven't been alot of these out yet.. its defiantly been alot different then I-X00 series phones what Samsung has produced in the past.. phones got great web features.. and works really well with windows protocol that it runs.. I think this phone really had been a big success for samsung.. but it will definitely take some getting used to for the user.. its a little different but all around a great little pda! No real unfix-able issues reported!



Dec 29, 2008 by medicrod

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In 10 years of using cells this is my first to last over 2 years! I have added programs Web works great in the states and good in Mexico I work medical for BAJA races. Battery life is good and came with 2. Good sound. only issue is unlocking after calling 911 is hard. Would like it if our ambulance company switched to them.

i-830 -- Old O.S. and Low on Features


Dec 2, 2006 by babubbie

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Verizon -- C'mon! What is this?

A beautiful PDA that becomes ugly as you look closer...

The i830 has an old operating system and lacks WiFi...

It falls very far short in supporting the needs and features that are essential to those on international business.

You have a great opportunity to exploit here and are failing to achieve market share in this area. We are living in a global world, but Verizon Wireless still thinks that the entire world CDMA!!!

This phone is a flop just like the Treo 600. However, Verizon Wireless got the message then and quickly came out with the Treo 650. Although they have already lost the opportunity to replace this phone quickly, they still have an opportunity to capture market share here.

If they don't react in quick time, they will give this whole business to Cingular and T-Moble.

I would prefer to stay with Verizon, but they are forcing my hand...


It would be just great if it worked...


Mar 30, 2007 by bette

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I totally agree with babubbie. "i-830 -- Old O.S. and Low on Features"

A beautiful PDA that becomes ugly as you look closer... the people who are rating it highly just haven't had it freeze and go intermittently dead on them yet. I hope it doesn't happen to them so they can live happily in their bubbles, but it would be awful trekking internationally to discover that your beautiful phone is actually a fragile piece of junk.

I'm on my third phone in five months - two new and one refurbished. This third phone didn't feel like turning on for 6.5 hours a couple of days ago even though I'm a small business owner and totally rely on it. I don't know why I paid more than $800 to become a guinea pig for Verizon. I've spent hours on the phone getting bounced around their very polite but helpless customer support and technical people, and they just want to give me another refurbished. Where's your code of ethics Verizon? They finally agreed to give me a different brand of phone but it was torture getting to this "obvious" customer satisfaction place.

This phone should be recalled. And I want my money back, but it's not looking very good. If only I could charge them for the beta testing, I'd have enough money to buy several new phones by now.

I would prefer to stay with Verizon, but they are forcing my hand too... I agree with babubbie: VERIZON WIRELESS ! LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!

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