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Motorola L2


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good basic phone


May 16, 2007 by fpgonzo

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I've had this phone for about 4 or 5 months now, and am generally pretty satisfied with it. Like others have noted, it has no camera, but I already have a camera...don't need another one on my phone. For those that find themselves dropping it because of it's size and smoothness, you can find gummy cases on eBay, or other such suppliers, that help make the phone more tacky and thus easier to handle, i.e., you don't find yourself dropping it nearly as much. The window is nice and big, and overall pleasing to look at. Those are the pros. Now on to the cons. I've found the sound volume on the ear piece to be a bit low, even at max setting, and the clarity is not as good as other phones. So when I'm using it in the car or outside, it's a bit hard to hear the other party. The speaker phone is quite poor, so poor in fact that when I first bought the phone I thought it was defective. Edge Wireless replaced the phone, but the speaker was no better. My wife has the same model phone with the same problem, so the poor speaker quality seems to be a problem with this model phone. Overall impression: good phone, great price, fantastic battery life, it fits my needs.

I can't hear!!


Mar 15, 2007 by mgulash

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I can't hear people who call me on this phone!! Also, the button to switch the ringer off is very exposed on the side of the phone--so it is always turning off in my purse. Too many icons on the opening screen and can't set it to just the phone book.
I hate this phone.



Mar 11, 2007 by pramodmeee

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OK Phone!

Very thin. ;I drop this few times a day :(


Good Sound

Battery is better

Display SUCKS!

Not a bad phone though, Handy, cool, etc. If you wanna have much fun, I would say, go for a Sony Ericsson.

4/5 :-)

Simple, No Nonsense Phone that Works Extremely Well


Oct 30, 2006 by ProfessorS

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I've had this phone for about a month and a half now and I've tested it THOROUGHLY. (I wanted to make sure that I liked it before my 30 day return period expired.) In a nutshell, this is a great phone.

First off, I can hear the people I'm talking to loud and clear. I tested this by calling people that use different carriers as mine, the same carrier as mine, as well as calling people on their land lines. Also, even when there is a lot of background noise, people on the other end can hear me just fine. I tested this by walking down busy streets downtown while talking on the phone, and by talking on the phone in my noisy shared office.

I also wanted to know how well other people can here me when I talk. So I gave the phone to a friend and had him call my land line. I could here my friend just fine. He sounded like is speech was just *slightly* slurred, but I could make it out no problem.

Cingular is my provider and I get great reception.

The phone is light and slim and fits in my pocket very comfortably. My only concern here is that the vibrate is not very forceful. As another post put it, it's just a "tickle".

The battery lasts for days. I intentionally did not charge it up for about 1/2 of a week and used it no problem.

The menu system is easy to figure out. It's also easy to customize for those more advanced users.

Also, for those Mac users out there, this phone DOES work with iSync. As of right now (10/30/06) you just have to perform a quick hack to make it work. I followed the very clear directions at:
and got iSync working no problem. I would guess that future versions of iSync will not require this hack. It syncs up my entire address book and calendar for 1 year, and the memory is only 1/2 full.

All in all, I highly recommend this phone to those people who simply want a small, light phone that works well.

Nice phone!!


Aug 11, 2006 by gluemthkid

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I recently upgraded to this phone via Cingular's website- 1. because it was free and 2. because it was not a flip phone. I have grown tired of the flip phones.. to much work - and the last two I had were just flimsy.
I am very pleased with my L2 thus far. It has great sound quality good reception. The menu is pretty much the same as my old motorola so I find it very easy to get around (i know some people dislike Moto's menus - but I find them very friendly) It also has a good loud ringer. I was debating on paying the money to get the Razor instead of this phone - but after using my wifes for a couple of days I decided to try out the L2 instead. I dont like the feel of the razor - its just odd in my hand too bulky. Plus with a Razor you have to have it placed exactly over your ear otherwise the sound gets muffled if you dont have it placed just right.
The L2 doesn't have the camera phone but I never used my old one anyway. If you want to take pictures get a camera if you want to talk to people get a phone - I have yet to see a camera phone with acceptable picture quality- therefore its not a big selling point for me.
I am big on personalizing my phones. Another reason why I lean towards Moto's you have a personal welcome message can choose between the different color schemes and then personalize it with your own ringtones and graphics.

My only two quams are that everyone in a while it is pretty slow when paging through my 300+ contacts and the vibration mode is not very big. I can only feel it if its in my snug jean pocket - if I have it in a shirt pocket or a cargo pocket I can barely feel it.

Good phone for you if you can live without a camera and aren't attached to the flip

- good sound quality
- light weight and slim (fits into my coin pocket of my jeans)
- Loud Ringer(can hear it upstairs when its downstairs on the charger
- cool games
- blue tooth

- no camera
- no itunes like the L6
- small vibration - just a tickle

Plain Vanilla, but somtimes that's all you need.


Jul 28, 2006 by bmm7410

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Thus far i am very pleased with the L2. It is not flashy, but very practical. No, it does not have a camera, But for people like me that is a plus. I'm glad to find a Phone that is Functional and small that comes without a camera. I have had a camera phone for the past three years, and that's about how many pics i took with it.

Here is my $.02

Pros: Light weight, Good Battery life, useful , USB, Loud ringer, Speakerphone.)good signal(Cingular, in the Houston area) Good Sound Quality. No dropped calls...so far ;-)

Cons: No in-call volume rocker...you must cycle through all the settings. Long menus. Stock ringtones are annoying.

PS. someone said there was no quick way to go to silent mode. While it is not in the manual for some reason, I found (at least on my L2) that if you hold down the "#" key for a few seconds(3-5?) it will switch to vibrate only mode. holding the "#" key again will return it to the previous ring/volume style. Hope that helps.

L2: Great Slim Phone


Nov 9, 2006 by jerpic

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I've owned this phone for about three months now and have to give it two thumbs up. I've had little to no problems with this phone and recommend it for it's excellent sound quality and size. The optional Bluetooth Accessory Kit is worth every penny. The carrying case is hands down the best I've ever delt with (the phone stays in when you want it to, and comes out without ripping the case apart). The Bluetooth earpiece is suprisingly clear despite feeling a little "toyish." I have difficulties hear on most phones, but have had no problems with the L2 or the optional Bluetooth earpiece.

The phone itself has a good feel to it: the exterior finish doesn't keep every smudge, and the buttons (a big deal to me) are solid and sturdy, but not too difficult to press. Also, this phone charges quickly, has a good battery life (but doesn't everything after the Motorola V60 series??). If you purchase the optional Motorola PhoneTools program, you can also charge this phone with a USB cable on your PC. Very nice.

-Good, loud sound quality
-Very good reception (when rated against other GSM handsets on the same carrier at the same location by switching out my SIM card).
-Good battery life.
-Multiple charging options (house, car, PC).
-Excellent Bluetooth Kit available
-Bright, large screen
-Light in weight
-Quick "silent all" feature by pressing the left side button.

-Built-in IM software doesn't work as well as the SMS/Text version.
-Weak vibrate mode. On a rough road you would not feel it.

Better than expected


Jul 18, 2006 by kwolson

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I got this phone as a "free" upgrade from a Cingular web promotion for a two year contract extension, replacing a Samsung P107. I have never used a Motorola phone but the rest of my family does. I was also looking for one *without* a camera, which I think is ridiculous in a phone.

Pro: Much better reception for me in hilly San Diego - I can now even make calls inside my house insead of going out into the driveway!
Loud ring tones and earpiece
Decent battery life (5-6 days with my realtively low usage)
Thin and light but metal case is strong
Sharp screen (I had no problems with screen despite what previous review mentioned)

Con: Lots of menu layers to get somewhere (seems like all current Motorolas are like this)
No quick "Silent" mode feature - have to cycle through all volume settings
Not yet suported by most Bluetooth programs or accessory manufacturers



Feb 6, 2007 by LaXplayer

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I have had this phone for about 6 months and I am switching to the Sony Ericsson. I have liked this phone for a few reasons, but the cons have overcome those likings.


the Moto L2 is super-slim, and is great for sliding into your pocket.

Easy to find features.

Doesn't break easily...I had dropped it a few times, but the phone is rather durable.

Great for a speaker phone


The speaker is on the side of the phone...it is one of the two dots shown. It is incredibly hard to be heard and the only time you are completely heard is when you use the phone as a speaker phone and speak close up to the speaker.

The buttons are very small and close together. It is hard to text, and when dialing a number, surrounding buttons are pushed. The buttons get pushed unintentionally constantly and I have called many people unintentionally, many many times.

There aren't many features. The few that there are, are not commonly used ones. The phone could use a notepad, voice recorder, and a tip calculator.

The ringtones, and images aren't the best. Since the phone is not a camera phone, you have to make do.

The steel battery cover seems to be a scratch magnet.

Overall, the phone could use improvement, in my opinion. For a business, or the type of phone that you only use once in a while, it would be great. The Motorola L2 just didn't fit the requirements and features that I needed.

Aluminum Stealth


Oct 29, 2006 by a_pheonix_boy

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Ok. Fast and Easy. Here are my pros and cons. (since i'm using Opera Mini instead of my WAP browser, i cant skip lines.) [ratings from 1-5] Sound:5 Display:5 Texture:5 Size:4 Applications:5... well. everything is great. except for lacking the camera and itunes. its a simple phone. yet stylish and elegant. plus. for being free... its worth it!

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