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Sanyo VI-2300


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Jul 6, 2007 by tanner998

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this phone may not have to many features, but it is indestructible. I'm a welder, and I'm pretty hard on all my stuff..this phone should be named TIMEX " takes a lickin and keeps on tickin." LOL......

Good Phone


Oct 5, 2006 by musewebsites

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This phone is great at what it should be great at: using it as a phone.
I gave up a camera phone for this phone, and was thrilled that I did.
-LONG battery life
-It's actually quite cute
-Good clear call, though it's alittle quiet
-Can't think of one, except that it is kinda nice to have a camera phone


GREAT bang for the Buck


Feb 2, 2006 by wellthoughtout

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This Phone is my second experience with Sanyo; my first one being the Sanyo 8100. Now that I have been using Sanyo phones for over 12 months in a row I honestly don't think I could go back to any other Brand.


-Fantastic Speaker Phone. The Motorola-270 Timeport being the only comparable speaker phone I have tried so far.
-Amazing Battery Life.
-Compact unique styling.
-RECEPTION that is truly second to none.This possibly should be at the top of the list.(seeing as that is why one buy's a phone in the first place).
-Has Been Very Durable...I have tested that fact.
-Easy to use...Great Vibrate mode.
-Ability to text,store numbers,Enter stuff in the Calander and other things well talking.

Here are a few cons...If you can really call them that. The display one being obvious before the purchase.


-Small Outer display.
-Name's in phone book can't be as long as is sometimes needed.
-100 word customization for text input.more would be handy for texts.

As you see. I have a VERY high opinion of this phone; as long as you purchase it with it's features in mind, and don't buy it and then proceed to complain about it because it doesn't have something you new it DID not have when you bought it.

Great Phone!


Oct 12, 2005 by vampregrl

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have had this phone for a week now and I must say that it's great!

My last phone was an Audiovox 8500 and now I can understand why people complained about it.

I live in Toronto and I get great reception, even in my condo! The battery lasted me a week before I had to recharge it (I don't use my phone THAT much).

Pros: Great reception, great battery life, great speaker phone. Since speaker is on the outside rings are LOUD and so is the speaker phone.

Cons: I haven't really found any yet. As I continue to play with the settings I'm fixing all the little things that annoyed me.

The only thing I can't find is the etiquette mode. Anyone know how I do that?

I would recommend this phone to anyone.

great entry-level phone


Feb 28, 2006 by nige

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for those of you who don't care if your handset hass all the bells and whistles, the 2300 should meet your needs quite nicely. Bell provides the service on my handset, and i cannot complain about the reception. It has never dropped a call in southern ontario, or when i have used it in various airports around usa. My only peeve with it is the short lag between the time you answer the call and your caller can hear your voice -a minor nuisance. It has lots of features, a great speakerphone, nice, loud ringtones and a colourful screen. Battery life has been excellent, even after repeated 'half-charges'. There are .qcp and poly midi ringers availible for sale through bell's wap browser, and also plenty of colourful wallpapers too. I can not speak more highly about the durability of this device either. It has survived about a dozen hip-high drops on pavement, it's been splashed with water, and left out in -16c snow overnight. They only damage it received was 1 line of dead pixels across the main LCD. This is my first sanyo device, but definitely not my last.

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!


Nov 7, 2005 by sharonissuperpoo

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I had an LG 125, but somehow I got water inside of it, so I was forced to buy a new phone. I choose this phone mainly because of it's pink color (which was hard to track down).
1. the pink color is too cute. It adds a girlie feature to the phone
2. It's a sanyo. sanyo's are like rocks, you can't ever break one
3. the speakerphone is great. you can close the phone and still talk (my LG had to be open in order for the speaker to work)
4.texting is a breeze and you can add words to the T9 dictionary.

1. The external caller id is REALLY small. and orange. it'd be cool it you could decide what color the external caller id be
2.On my LG, the external caller ID told me WHO the text was from- which was a really cool feature that I miss

I love the phone and the color, plus it gets great reception and has fantastic battery life. it's a keeper :)

Great Buy!


May 23, 2006 by Aciidsneaker

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I love this phone, it was a great phone had great reception, Very durable.


Outer display
Nice color screen
Decent Memory
Good Signal
Multiple number per name's
Good Battery Life


There aren't really much con's that I found about this phone,

Simple Yet Sophisticated!


Feb 16, 2006 by Sirisis

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Hi All,

This site is new to me, but I am a loyal SANYO customer and have been since purchasing the bar phone RL-4920 (I believe that's the correct number). And while I admit I'm spoiled because of the battery life (5+ hours on the bar phone), this 2300 ROCKS!

Now let's be honest, it sure isn't the most gadget-filled piece of consumer nonsense - it's no-nonsense yet very stylish and extremely high quality.

I've owned many phones, and always come back to SANYO because of the quality.

Pros - Very excellent reception by Qwest Wireless on the Sprint PCS network, plus great speaker phone, color and durability. The battery life is as advertised, and good at over 3 hours talk time with no problem.

Cons - I wish the screen was slighly bigger. And I had to tweak the network setting for VISION to get really good streaming quality. Don't ask me the setting (lol) but it is posted on the Sprintusers.com site.

All in all, I give the phone a good 4.75 stars if not a full 5 due the slightly smaller screen.

Sanyo is Superior!


Oct 11, 2005 by afox207

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I am a Nextel Dealer. That alone, speaks for my level of expectations from a phone. Not Only do I sell, I do the repairs too. I switched from Iden to CDMA and got this phone for $30 bucks. What a deal I would best compare it to an i730 from Nextel/Iden. This phone is so kick ass it blows me away everytime I use it. I am pretty utilitarian as far as Cell Phone use is concerned. If you need a phone to be a phone, and to work everytime, everywhere, this is the phone. I REPEAT BUY THIS PHONE AND LOVE CDMA COVERAGE!!!

sanyo vi-2300


Nov 10, 2005 by THEBEERGUY

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this phone is a very nice handset. it is one of the better phone that i like. i have had over 35 phones, in the past 8 yrs. this is a good starter phone, (no camera) and has a quality color display.

PROS: good battery life
nice color display
external lcd display
5 colors availible
2-way sms
CONS: not really anything

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