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Nokia N91


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So the N91...


Sep 5, 2006 by Nokia freak

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OK, where to start. It is a big phone so there is much to say.

Firts of all, it is huge!But that does not always mean it is a bad phone. People would describe it as a brick, I would describe it as a whole house inside a brick. I've always been a Nokia fan, but this phone did disappoint me a bit. Being at this moment, on top of the Nokia Nseries, I would think of it as the best Nokia phone so far, but not quite.

I have had no problems with any of its functions so far.I love the fact that it has a 4Gig Harddrive, maybe thats why it is so heavy! Nice camera, but after a picture has been taken, sometimes, the image gets lighter and other times darker, it has to do with the light reflection I suppose. It has no flash, which I would have liked in the N91, it is such a big phone you are to think that there has to be more than enough space to have put it in as well. Being able to record video up to an hour at a time is a huge improvement for me, having a Nokia 6600(which can only record up to 14seconds max.) before the N91.

Than the speed. If you had to put the N91 and a snail in a race, the snail would win. OK its not that bad, but the phone is definitely to slow for me!! I takea ages to open an application. Even the menu takes to long!

Screen resolution: Being part of the Nseries, where "See new" is one of the slogans, it again fails. I thought the screen resolution would be like the Samsung D600 and even hoped for better, but no, it don't even compare to the D600. But don't get me wrong, it is definitely better that the usaul Nokias.

And at last the thing that hitted me the hardest, the battery!! It is suppose to last up to 10 days, but does not even last a whole day!!! It is suppose to play 12 of music, but would last for 4-5 hours tops!
Being a Music phone, its speaker isn't that good!!

I rated the phone 3.5 because despite all the disappointments I still go crazy for Nokia!!I would recommend this phone only for true Nokia fans and music lovers.



Jun 8, 2006 by twinmax

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The N91 is an awesome phone with very Unique looks. When holding it, it feels like holding something really strong..not like holding a sonyericsson w800 with flimsy like feeling or a treo 700 being fragile n all.
Its got a built in 4gb hard drive guyz.....which phone has that...I'd say none. The phone has wifi , fm radio , real player..MP3 player of course but it lacks the high resolution screen like the Nokia N80, also lacks the quad band feature like the N80 and the external speakers are not as good as the Nokia N80 either.The N91 has the 2 megapixel with no flash where as the N80 has an 3 megapixel camera with flash. Last but not least the N91 is bigger and heavier phone than the Nokia N80.
However if the Nokia N80 would have not released then the Nokia n91 would have been the best buy. I know that I sold my N91 and got the N80 as the features on the N80 weighed a little more than the Nokia N91.
Overall, the Nokia 91 is worth buy if ure looking to replace ure treo, V3i razor, sonyericsson w800 ot p910i or even the samsung t809,d800.

this phoen is the worst phone of nokia


Aug 9, 2008 by pokwang

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this phone always hangs and i really really feel that nokia has manufactured one of its worsest.....huhuhu
pwede bumati?team moirae..hi

So close, yet so darn worthless


Jul 16, 2006 by DanScoop

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I own this phone; picked it up in Germany about a month ago. Sadly, I think I am going to have to send it back and avoid Nokia for the rest of my life. Here is the deal.

I got this phone because of the camera, the hard disk and the WiFi. The camera takes nice photos, and the music with me all the time is beautiful.

The main issues: Wifi doesn't work if you use an encrypted network. The settings are there, but the phone will never connect. So, you can't use it at home if you have a secure network (unless you steal from your foolish neighbors). This also means you can't sync the phone to your computer via wifi.

Well, you can never actually sync your phone to your computer if you have a reasonably new system (any dual core processor). Do a google search on "PC Suite No Connection". I have installed, and painstakingly uninstalled the software about a dozen times. Other than the first install, of the oldest version I could find, it hasn't worked. The newer software version so heinously damages your registry that no previous version can be successfully installed. So, no calendar, and no way to update contacts. Now I'm at two strikes.

Next is the battery. It is rated at 400 hours? No. Try 24 hours. Absolute tops. You can squeeze about 80 hours out of the battery if you put the phone in offline mode (no incoming or outgoing calls), and you don't use the camera or the music player. I've tested this over a month, and I have tried every permutation. Yes, I "seasoned" the battery according to the Nokia policy.

Last: Bluetooth. It won't connect to my car: BMW M3. My old Sony connects, Nokia won't. Do a search on it, you'll get numerous hits. Note, the BMW M3 was voted Editor's Choice by CNET for the Bluetooth integration; It is a $60K car, so it isn't as if they used second rate gear.

Closing opinion... It makes decent phone calls. Nothing else on the phone works as described. Nothing.



May 31, 2006 by ghandour

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One of the best phones ever


Mar 16, 2007 by Trinitron21

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Wow this is everything I could hope for in a phone and more. I just recieved my N91 on Wednesday the 14th of march. When I first opened the box I was amazed by how much came with the phone. You get everything you need plus much more. First the symbian 60 operating system works very well much to my surprise. The PC is awsome it give you the ability to sync almost anything to it. The first thing I did was sync Microsoft Outlook with no problems. After that I transfered a little over 1000 songs with the built in 4 gb hard drive. So far the email and music has had no operating problems and are very friendly. The bluetooth and WiFi also work very well, someone else wrote a review and said that he could not connect to a secured network but I use a 2wire router that is security enabled and I have had no problems. I was very impressed with the metal design not being plastic made. Surprisingly for a slider it is very solid and feels like a real phone in your hand. The screen is a great size and is easy to read what is displayed. The fact that is has a 3.5mm headphone jack is awsome I was able to hook up my $200 Bose headphone and rock out right from the beginning. As the way it stands this by far my favorite phone by far. The only thing I have to say bad about phone is just that the 2 mega pixel camera could have been made a little better but with 20 times digital zoom it's not to bad.

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