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Nokia 6061


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Sep 26, 2007 by mole36918

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i loved this phone up until i accidentally left it in my shorts and washed it. good thing we had the insurance. except, instead of giving me another nokia 6061, i get this crappy sony ericsson that costs $10 more. at least the nokia allowed ringtones other than just polyphonic. god i hate this new phone, i want my nokia back.

Great Phone if you like minimalism


Jul 29, 2006 by korey1

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The Nokia 6061 is my first phone on cingular I bought for 49.99 just to have a phone I plan on switching phones often for GSM unlocked

Decent Screen
Loud Speaker phone listen people right on the Nav Pad turns volume Up
Chrome Details Glossy black body of a PSP

No Bluetooth
No Multiple Entries per contact major minus fills up your contacts fast
No camera,Now i usually wouldn't use it anyway but there are some moments i would like to have one
Should of had and external a minimal one line caller id so no active flip
Internet is GPRS so very slow though ringtones d/l quite quick in a medium service area
Maybe you can find out but doesnt display the date just time, wierd huh?

Overall:I'm a teen so txt and ringtones are my biggest thing and its nice but no camera to share funny moments at partys is lame, no external screen is lame,Great phone for non-tech minded people if your a cellphone geek like myself youll find yourself rather bored.Good for emergency/occasionaly need a cell Cingulars good for that with rollover and all

It was a dark & stormy night - the kinda night I liked to cuddle up with my good buddies: Jack Daniels & Jose Cuervo.


Jul 18, 2006 by japhy

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But not that night. I was on the street that night: I got a call about a murder.

"My phone's dead", she said. I stared at her in disbelief, but then I followed her finger to the table. There it was - her old 6010 - dead.

It'd started dropping calls & getting fuzzy when she was in the house, she said, I started tinkering, to see if it was a network thing or just the phone. "Don't bother," she said, "It's dead: get me new one." I looked at her. "A flip one this time." I waited for the laugh, but she wasn't joking.

So I was out that night, wandering every dark alley between here & God-knows-where. It didn't take me long to find what I was lookin' for.

I took it out myself to make sure it worked before I went back to her. I came in & she was waiting for me.

"Whaddya got?" Typical - not so much as 'how ya doin' tonight?'

"It's the Nokia 6061" I said, "A flip, like you asked." I showed her. "No camera, but it don't need one. It's a phone, just a phone."

She wasn't fazed: "..it do text?"

"Yeah. Better than your last one - the keys are easier to press. And it's got a quicker menu system than the 'ol 6010"

It cut me to talk about him that way, but it was the truth. The 6061 was better in just about every way I could see. Except toughness, this phone wouldn't take a beating like the 'ol 6010 would, but it didn't need to: it needed tough nerves & strong guts to listen to her calls everyday. It would never survive a trip down south to Floorsville, but would it handle her voice? Only time would tell.

"So, do I need to get all new stuff for it?"

"No", I said "It'll use the same charger, & the nice headphone I got for you still works."

She flipped it open, played around with the menu, and all of the sudden I got that feeling like there was a ton o' bricks hanging by a thread. I was sweating bullets, hell, I was sweating cannon shells.

"Simple & cute: I like it."

I sighed, I was off the hook.

Nice simple phone


Feb 20, 2006 by Joe Zimmerman

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This is my 5th phone or so. I needed a phone without a camera since I can't have cameras at work. I wanted a phone that has good signal strength, good battery life, and adequate ear piece and ringer volume. Previously I had a Samsung x497 which was OK but uncomfortable to use. This Nokia phone is nice. No unneeded features (for me). The buttons are easy, the screen is easy, the sound quality is good. There is no volume problem with this phone. The Battery life is great. A caller ID on the outside would be nice but is not needed. Although it has email and Internet features, I don't use those. This is an excellent choice if you just want a phone and nothing more. Nice job Nokia.

Poor sound quality


Jan 26, 2006 by redfish1313

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There were no reviews at the time I got this phone. I went ahead and got it because it was free and the reviews of other Nokia phones were good. This model fails in its most basic function of being a phone. Sound quality was poor with or without the earbud. I could not understand the person on the other end reliably and they could not understand me. The Nokia "hiss" on the Cingular network was also incredibly loud and only made it harder to understand people. Communication in a noisy environment was pretty much impossible. The phone also froze on me twice necessitating turning it off and back on in the first and only day that I had it. Once when someone called, I could hear them but apparently the microphone on my phone was not working. That also required turning off and turning back on.

Small, lightweight

Poor sound quality
Loud hiss
Phone freezes up frequently
Plastic is extremely thin and cheap looking

No Sound


Jan 20, 2006 by Matthew0

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When I first saw this phone I thought it looked like a nice little phone. It has very nice lines. It has a nice crisp display and seemed well made. The only thing bad about it was that the in-call speaker volume, even on the highest mode was inaudible. I brought it back. I tried other phones of the same model, but alas no luck. Maybe if you use the earpieces alot, or the speaker-phone, but the other speaker is too weak. I thought it was a really nice phone, too. The signal was full, and I was unable to hear the other person...Better luck next time.

ok so nokia's not perfect are you


Jun 15, 2006 by chris_boyd

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this is the perfect entry level flip phone from a manufactuer that produces excellent quality phones. The number one complaint on this phone is that the ear piece volume isnt loud enough. oops nokia made a mistake in not telling you how to turn the volume up, but your salesmen should have. This is done by using the d pad to the left for down or right for up in the middle of a call. this info is not in the owners manual but i quess nokia assumed it was self explanatory because their phones are so easy to use.
overall this is a great phone for its intended purpose

Nokia was so close on this one....


Jun 10, 2006 by macizcool

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I purchased this phone from Cingular because I really liked the looks of it. It is a very nice looking phone, good build, very lightweight and feels great against the ear. I believe this is the best-looking entry-level phone I have seen, and I really wanted to enjoy it. But there are a few things that make it bad.

The most complained about problem is the hiss in the earpiece. The audio level is fine (and my hearing isn't the best); However, it has the LOUDEST Nokia hiss I have ever experienced. It sounds like a faucet running. It is so loud, in fact, that I find that my ears hurt and having a headache after using the phone. It is that loud. Another problem is that there is some kind of problem with the firmware pulling up menus (v3.72). It literally takes 2 seconds to bring up the main menu, the phonebook or the Go To menu. Once the menu gets pulled up, the speed is fine. I just can't understand what takes it so long to bring these up.

Some other annoyances: The volume of the sounds for the included games are so incredibly, annoyingly loud that you don't want to play the games. Why are they so loud?? Also, the red light on the front, although it may seem useful, is not. It only comes on when you have a message, but it fades on and off. It is so slow that if you were to glance at it quickly while it was dimmed, you would miss the fact that it was telling you that you had a message. That's the only thing the light will come on for. It doesn't do anything when someone is calling (which would be useful in a car, or when the phone is on silent) and does not act as a status light. This makes the light useless, IMO.

The speaker phone is loud; however, the sound of it is so high-piched and tinny-sounding that I could not see anyone using it. It is very uncomfortable to listen to.

I would suggest trying this phone out, but keep an eye on your return period. Other than the annoyances, it has a nice screen, a good feel and an awesome high-end-Nokia look.

Battery Life  
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I love my 6061


Jun 8, 2006 by Bob859   updated May 3, 2013

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I think that the 6061 is a great phone. I have read the reviews that say that the volume is not good. I disagree. I work in a large printing plant. I have 57 year old ears. My hearing is not good, but I have no problems using this phone in my loud environment with my bad hearing. When I am in the plant, I have to press the 6061 tightly to my ear, but I have to do that with any phone, when I am in the midst of excessive noise.

I have found the reception on this phone to be very good. I think that it is as good as my 6010, which is also an excellent phone.

This phone has strong vibration, which is necessary for me, in my noisy workplace.

The one thing that I would like on this phone, is an outside caller ID. Other than that, I am very happy with my 6061.

ahh yeah


Aug 9, 2008 by rtran19

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this is prolly the best 'basic' phone on the market. very simple, durable, and not too big not too small. almost perfect..

pretty neat that it has a speakerphone and takes mp3 ringtones. quite nifty

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