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Nokia 8265 / 8265i


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Overall good phone


Jul 30, 2004 by krappei

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PROs: excellent reception, durable(I've had for almost 2 years and dropped so many times and still works fine), changable covers

CONs: cover scratches easily, talk time is only average (maybe 3 hours)

Excellent phone


Dec 31, 2003 by drake26

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Excellent phone.
Great reception.
Never a dropped call.

Could be designed better ergonomically

Great Phone... Until the Warranty Expires


Nov 1, 2003 by JessicaB

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I've had the Nokia 8265 phone for just over a year now. It's my 4th Nokia phone - why is it they all seem to die/break just after the warranty expires? Overall, I have really enjoyed this phone but just after a year I'm picking up horrible (LOUD) static on just about all calls. I've been told by the oh so knowledgeable reps from AT&T that it's a "software problem" with the phone. This seems to be the common denominator with all Nokia phones, particularly the 3360 - which I had 3 of over a matter of a few months - horrible phone!

PROS - very easy to use, good reception (better than any other Nokia phone I've had), decent battery life, easy to access phone book and call lists, good quality construction

CONS - phone gets really hot after only a few minutes of use, doesn't include high-tech features now offered with many other phones

Again, good phone overall. But I wouldn't expect it to last forever!

8265 RF changes


Aug 28, 2002 by hominid7

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The new 8265 as well as the 6360 both have integrated the "next generation" antenna's. Gone are the fragile foil type internal antenna, and the new ones are 2 piece metal antennas. One piece being flat, much like the old foil type, with the addition of a hook-shaped traditional looking metal antenna beside it. The changes do appear to help, especially in touchy areas.
The 8265 also improves in the areas of ringer loudness as well as incoming audio. Outgoing audio, as on the 8260 remains excellent, albeit plagued by outside noise when in noisy environments.
My initial feeling is the 8265 is a very good addition to the TDMA line-up, however the key pad, while retaining the nice Nokia tactile feel does leave something to be desired in the lay-out.
The 6360 has many more features, but if size is your #1 concern, the 8265 comes highly recommended in my book=)

Not too much different than the 8260


Jul 30, 2002 by Bruce Killam

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After putting up with the poor signal strength of my Nokia 8260, I decided it was time to get a new phone. Seeing that AT&T now had the update to the 8260, the 8265, I thought I'd give it a try and see if it was any better.

The 8265 is a little bit larger than the 8260. I have the horizontal holster that I used for my 8260 that had stretched a bit, and the 8265 fit in there (although it was a little snug). The only accessory that I couldn't use was my desktop charging stand. The battery, chargers, and earbud are the same.

The key layout is a little bit different on the 8265. the 1, 2 and 3 keys are not straight across from each other as they are on a traditional phone. The layout on the top row of keys is kind of 'V' shaped. The 7, 8 and 9 key are almost in a straight line. Kind of a strange feel when you're dialing.

The display is lit much better, using a whiter backlight that the 8260. Nokia decided to move the headphone jack to the bottom of the phone, but at least it's still at 2.5mm connection.

After testing for a few days, I came to the conclusion that signal strength really isn't any better. I was disappointed. Think twice before replacing your 8260 with this phone. There just isn't enough benefit. Had Nokia bumped up the feature set, it may have been worth it, but there really aren't any new features on this phone.

Not Worth Getting These Days


Aug 22, 2003 by Mr T

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The 8265 is a nice small phone. It has features that most phone's have, however for the price you pay you're better getting either the 6360 Nokia for infrared and voice activated dialing or the 3560 Nokia for the color screen. The 8265 has a better look than these phones but the battery is worse on the 8265 than the 6360 and with the 3560 having the best display I just can't justify to people why they would spend their money on this phone. It's a higher end model than the 3560 but it should really cost less. The good thing there is few complaints on this phone and the 3560 has already had more complaints than the 8265 and it's only been out for 2-3 months.

nokia 8265


Mar 6, 2003 by tennisbum

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i just bought the nokia 8265 just yesterday i replace my moto v60 let me tell you the 8265 is a great phone the reception is great were i live in california my v60 sucks drop calls, call failed over and over so i tried the nokia in the same area and guess what no drop call the only reason why i didnt give it a 5 is because the headset jack is on the bottom other than that great phone

Cons and Prods


Dec 27, 2002 by Connivel

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There is only one thing that I don't like about it, is they decided to move the headset jack to the buttom of the phone. This is one thing that takes away with the fm radio device for the 8260 (which is an awesome thing to have). The second thing about moving the headjack is if you carry the phone in your pocket the phone is going upside down, not to mention the fact that it can be disconnect real easly.

The phone itself is a great phone. I loved the 8260 but this phone brings the features that I really like; 10 downloadable ring tones instead of five, changable faceplates (hide the scratches from dropped phones lol), and a brighter backlight. I would recommend this phone to those who does not like the stub external antennas which break easly. I never had a problem with this phone which I have owned for about a month. Never did I have a problem with the 8260 which I still own. ALWAYS keep a back up phone lol.

Old and simple


Aug 29, 2006 by witesamurai

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This phone was a good phone when it first came out, but now its just outdated.

Easy to use
Good reception
Good battery life
Practical Features

Small screen
NO color
No camera
NO web browsing
Polyphonic Ring Tones
*Ugly (my personal opinion*

very good phone


Aug 15, 2006 by dee27

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very very good phone, lasted a very long time, i could probably still use it if i wanted to, ive had it for 3.5 years before i upgraded to the Nokia 3250. Very reliable. And its a good size, fits smug in the pocket.

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