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Kyocera 2135


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Jul 6, 2003 by cam_legrande

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Im very surprised at the terrible reviews of this phone. I work for ALLTEL directly, and out of the 13 or so phones we sell, I push the 2135 and the motorola v60i because they are the ones that never come back with any problems. The rest of our phones have a lot of issues that seem to always perk up. I've been in the business almost a year and I've messed with every phone we carry.. this is one of the best for practical functionality. If you are seeking games and other nonsense, go for the t720. Your reception and battery life wont be any good, but you'll have games.

4.5/5.0 for lack of features.

Great starter phone


Feb 12, 2003 by Mike Bagley

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Excellent starter.Doesn't have all the bells and whistles but is solid and dependable. Was able to get signal where more expensive phones couldn't. Good audio quality but needs a little more volume to earpiece. Has a very solid feel and easy to maneuver menu. Not the one if you need color screen, camera or other extras. Otherwise, a great deal.

A Decent Emergency Phone


Jul 11, 2003 by Jessica Jones

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The Kyo 2135 was the first phone I had ever used. It was very user friendly, and got amazingly good reception.
It is a standard sturdy phone (in fact, my mother still uses hers) but really should only be used by those who aren't looking for a lot of high-tech frills. This is your standard phone for the "I want a phone for emergencies only" class.
I would not recommend it to anyone who uses a phone frequently as the screen does have a tendency to become hot after being in a call for more than 10 - 15 minutes.
The tip calculator is great for anyone who eats out often, but the ring tones are rather dull.
Overall, I would only suggest this phone to those who are looking for a very basic phone that will not be used too much.

Good basic phone


Apr 21, 2002 by Ken Moffat

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I like the 2135, it has web and text messaging capability, good button feel, great menu system, easy to figure out, (the 4 way button system works) good volume, ok voice transmission quality, it's inexpensive and capable. Nothing fancy.

kyocera 2235


Jul 20, 2002 by daniel vondermock

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i like the simplicity of it's use. i like the confirguration and how the phone performs. i have never had a problem with the phone, and am amazed at it's durability.

It seems good, I USED IT


Nov 23, 2010 by narn3049

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Back when I purchased this phone in like 2002, I seldom texted, and I only played a couple of games.. never too extreme, but I did drop phones A LOT back then and that this phone was good for. I always seemed to drop this and it always worked when picked up. It is basic, so if you need basic and durability, go with this any day. I also considered this bigger upgrade, and it was SUPPOSED to be with my 2035a I owned before.

Pretty good phone


Jan 17, 2005 by Anthony74135

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This is the first phone I have ever had and Ive never had dropped calls and any problems with this phone I now currently have the LG 6000 its much better color screen picture phone everything you can ask for except for video but its a cell phone you dont need everything but its a pretty good phone i got ride of it in october!

First Cell Phone


Aug 8, 2002 by Guy McArthur

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This is the first cell phone I've used, and it is pretty good. Interface is intuitive, users manual is complete. The one drawback is the flimsy feel of the antenna. Yet I am happy with it.

This phone is the pits!


Sep 10, 2002 by Izzy Rodriguez

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I have had this phone since last year and I can't wait to upgrade it. While it is simple to use and it has a lot of nice features for it's price the echo that you get at times is unbearable. I have spoken to a few people that have this phone and they also have the same problem. Audiovox, Motorola: Here I come!!!!

wouldn't bother


Oct 14, 2002 by Susan Churchill

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I would not recommend as the reception is very poor and people sound muffled.

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