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Nokia 7160


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Great phone, but doesn't swim well


Dec 10, 2004 by dhkbjk

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I bought this phone as soon as it came out. It was the first phone to sync with Outlook for both contacts and calendars, and I had to have it. Plus, WAP access was one of the options I could get for free and that had some real cool WOW factor back then. Of course, all I ever actually used it for was sports scores, but was it ever COOL! :)

Anyway, it worked great and lasted me for at least three years until I fell into the pool while setting up for a swim meet. That was the phone's death knell and a sad (plus expensive) day for me. Since then the replacement Nokia 6340i has been adequate (I'm being somewhat generous), but not nearly as reliable as the 7160. I'm back in the market again and thought I'd reminisce about ol' faithful for a moment.

I'm sorry the 7160 is no longer available.

The last of the Greats!


Feb 26, 2004 by Hvacwelder

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I have had this phone for 3 years. It has been through extreme use and always performed well. I even replaced the case halves, slide, and keypad, due to heavy wear. This phone was based in the SW FLorida Cingular market, though traveled the east coast and back often. Always carried good reception, and received excellent signal. A first time for INTERNET offering, and I believe the menu layout, now common on many Nokia handsets. My relocation brought me to SC this year. Forced to switch to GSM, I researched my replacement well, but current handsets really lack the quality, durability, longevity, and ease of use that the 7160 had.

PRO's: Large display, easy to dial and reach all keys with one hand, Large memory capacity, ability to roll "navi" bar once to activate light without performing an unwanted function. the extra long Nokia battery sustained hours of talk time. And many more.

Con's: Extended talking for 1 or more hours caused the ear piece to get warm, Slide cover did loosen with standard use/wear, Nokia original hard leather case made access to the phone difficult.

Never the less, the 7160 at any price was, and is an excellent purchase. I too will miss my 7160!

MY 7160


Jan 4, 2004 by videoman49

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After 3.5 years of heavy duty use, it's time to put my 7160 out to pasture.

It gave me 100% reliability when needed. Phone book, address features, basic calendar, e-mail in/out, text messaging, computer sync, infrared transfer, large screen, call timers and a GREAT alarm clock are just a few of the features to which I've grown attached!

And what appreciation did I offer? Left it outside in sub-freezing weather on more than one occasion, let the rain saturate it and dropped it more times than the DOW-JONES average. The cruelest treatment was placing my full-sized, 6' 2", 240 pound torso upon it. . . . More than once!

The 7160 just worked and worked and worked. Nary a complaint.

It's unfortunate NOKIA doesn't built the same product integrity in today's offerings.

Alas poor 7160, I knew it well.

- - GG

Good phone, but didnt last long.


Aug 24, 2002 by Ryan M

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I have this phone also, i like the flip design, but i would not pick it. It just dosn't feel right, and is bulky. I would say go with the 6360 if you need the larger phone book and screen.



Jan 10, 2011 by watagatapitusberry

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I want this phone!

Best of its day


Aug 28, 2006 by katrina

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In its time, this was the best phone Cingular offered! It was SO amazing to have a cell phone that could access the internet... I could even connect it to my laptop and surf the net at a blazing 9600 baud! I think unlimited data with Cingular then was $19.99 and that included, like, 1000 SMS messages too... those were the days LOL

A good fried of mine had her 7160 for about 5 years... I dropped Cingular in favor of AT&T in 2003 and switched to GSM, so it was a sad goodbye to my 7160. I actually found mine packed away and pulled it out about a month ago and charged it up and it still worked! (no service of course) I was even able to get some phone numbers of old friends I hadn't spoken to in years :-)

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