Got the vox 8900
sick of my 310
Battery Question ?
need programming code
so if Vodaphone takes over AWS
pix phone question
lgs vx4400b vs. vx4500, or neither?
Push to talk
8900 off the VZW website again???
Attn: Big Poppa
need help picking a new phone
I would like to get a new phone,(currently have a samsung a310 which i HATE) but I have no idea what to get. I wanted to get a camera phone, but it seems that there are no good ones out there, and no good ones on the way from verizon. So, I'm looking for you guys to offer me up some advice. I've been doing research, but its tough for me to sift through the info with the limited time I have. So, of you could please let me know which phones you would buy if you needed a new one. Thank you for any help.
My decison is made
Verizon and LNP
Audi 8900 is Working Just Fine!!
This is simply to put everyone considering the 8900 at ease. I have had this phone in the Cleveland Area since the 9th, I have not had a single problem with it yet. It seems the phone and the new software are working just fine. I think this phone is great, the only problems I have with the phone are ergonimic in nature. I think some of the buttons on the outside of the phone could be placed a bit different.