drop 2 year contract
I have 4 lines of service and cannot stand them any longer.
The thing about sprint.....
Sprint Plan Problem
Maybe someone can help me. I have a ten phone plan with Sprint. I have had it for several years, and the price is just too good to change it. I am interested in getting a new Hero, but I have been told that I have to add a new data plan to get not only the rebate on the phone, but also to merely activate it? Is this true?? If it is, Sprint is likely to lose my account and 10 phones. Help??
I get no signal where i moved to and still $200.00/ line to cancel..
Sprint selling iDen network in iPCS territory - anyone heard anything?
CDMA / iDEN hybrid phone
Changing Phones
So two questions:
- Is there a way to copy the i335 SIM card to a new SIM card compatible with the i870, and what parts would be required to do so? In other words, how do I "make" my current SIM card (or another) compatible?
- If the first option is impossible / impracticable, which phones are compati...
ESN checks accurate?
Mogul - upgrade or wait?
LG Lotus Downloads?
I've tried downloading .jar and .jad files, but the phone always recognizes them as an "invalid fil", so I have no idea what to do with them..
I really just would like to be able to install some simple programs or simple games.
Help would be greatly appreciated!
Good article on Sprint screwing up the Tour launch
So What's next for Nextel?
TEST modes for Nextel Phones
Iden network
Powersource Phones
Pay for ringtones no more!!!
I prefer myxer tones, so i don't have to buy from sprint anymore....unless i have promo codes!...
hope they help...
know anymore Free sites, post em here!! 😁 🙂
boost vs sprint
SIM card?
Transfer them from one Powersource phone to another?
Do strictly Nextel phones use these SIM cards as well?