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General Palm discussions:
Treo 610
Has anyone heard about a Treo 610 that is GSM and bluetooth capable. Heard some gossip and was curious if anyone else has heard about it.
2 replies
"Buzzing" with the Treo 600
My Treo 600 (on Cingular network) has a bad background "buzz" that I cannot hear but is terrible for those with whom I am speaking. I've turned down the volume, but this hasn't helped. The "buzz" comes and goes. Anybody else have this problem or know how to fix it?
Treo 600 GSM at AT&T
Does anyone know when AT&T is supposed to have the Treo 600 GSM available? I am aware that Sprint has had it available for 2 weeks or so but GSM is the only service that works inside of my office building. Any other inside information regarding "usage packages", rebates and anything else would be helpful. Thanks
1 reply
Treo 600 GSM at AT&T
Does anyone know when AT&T is supposed to have the Treo 600 GSM available? I am aware that Sprint has had it available for 2 weeks or so but GSM is the only service that works inside of my office building. Any other inside information regarding "usage packages", rebates and anything else would be helpful. Thanks