iPhone icon
AT&T surpasses VZW, becomes #1 wireless carrier (again)
Zune software question for new windows phones.
If I Ran An At&t Credit Check Online Can They...
Signal Question??????
My friend has AT&T, has the SAME signal, one bar where I work, and 1 bar at my house.
I don't know how to exactly ask this...but is the at&t one bar going to be better than the verizon one bar.
VZW = samsung fascinate
GSM can refer to 2 things
1. Global System for Mobile Communications - a specific communcation standard
2. Any standard adoped by the GSM foundation as the "global standard for mobile communications" including GSM, GRPS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA, HUSPA, HUSPA+ , LTE and LTE Advanced
CDMA can refer to 3 things
1. Code Division Multiple Access - a channel access method imployed in many different broadcast technologies, including GSM standards UMTS, HSPA, HUSPA and HUSPA+
2. IS-95 or CDMAone a specific communication standard developed by Qualcom, commonly refered to as "CDMA" because it was the first standard to use the CDMA chanel access method
3. Any version of the Qualcom standard and it's revisio...
Is there a way to still get Unlimited Data?
Samsung Captivate Wi-Fi problems
I've been having problems with the market, Google search initially not working. I either have to cycle Wi-Fi on & off or turn it off completely. I had the same type of problems with the Samsung Epic 4G, so I'm starting to think it's a Samsung Galaxy S problem.
Monthly Bill
Store Managers
Can someone please let me know what the pay is for store managers roughly in the Authorized retailer side of the business and also for direct at&t store managers.
Just trying to get an idea. Thanks
iphone question?
BlackBerry to iPhone.
Is this something I can only do one way? (as in a store only, or could I upgrade online and still keep this data plan?)
Is AT&T's wireless network as bad as it's made out to be???
I want to hand over my 2 at&T lines
1) Get phone at retail online or at T-Mo
2) Unlock phone
3) Change Network Settings within device
4) Register the phone on my account with AT&T
I work for AT&T, so I figure the last two steps will be easy enough. Is it relatively easy to get newer phones unlocked? I've done it with year-old phones rather successfully.
Thanks for all helpf...
Does Anyone Know If...
Is It Possible?
Why AT&T is horid - personal experience